Potion of Elemental Breath
Potion of Elemental Breath
Various smells and scents. (See below)
Cost: 250g / 500g / 1000g (Cost per tier)
Duration: 1 battle, until used. (5 minutes outside of combat)
Use: Imbiber is able to expel a cone of elemental energy like the Sorceror's Breath spells. This affects 1d3 close-quarters enemies that are engaged with the imbiber. Once the breath is used, the potion is expended.
Attack: DEX+Level vs PD (1d3 close enemies)
Damage: 3d6 Elemental Damage / 4d8 Elemental Damage / 5d10 Elemental Damage (Per tier)
A scent of brimstone, and taste of chili powder as this still-warm liquid trickles over the tongue.
Color: Bright Red
The bite of ice cold liquid over your tongue, and the smell of peppermint.
Color: White
Poison Gas:
The stench of rotten eggs, and the taste of turned milk.
Color: Thick, Viscous Green.
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