

Written by Jon Mattson.

While wizards use carefully studied symbology and an occult grammatical system to work magic, and sorcerers draw intuitively upon the icons' power and the magic hidden within their own blood, witches tread a different, less direct path to arcane mastery. True, they often study occult lore, and some even manage to learn a few wizard spells. True, it is not uncommon for a witch to have a magical birthright that sets her forth on her journey or an unexpected link to one or more of the icons. But the witch sees each of these systems and links as a mere tool – one in a much larger toolbox that is well worth exploring. Beyond these basic starting points, the witch looks for the magical connections that these methods share and that bind all things, and she calls upon those beings that understand such phenomena better than she does. She does not limit herself to one narrow system, but pragmatically accepts each gift of arcane learning that Fate and the other occult powers send her way.

In time, the witch learns many useful tricks – spells, of course, but also hexes. The latter can be used with greater frequency, by deferring the arcane cost to another time – or another being.  Most critically, by sensing the strands of Fate, she tries to work with them, instead of against them, taking the subtle path of least resistance to achieve her goals. Sadly, this may bring her to the attention of other beings that take an interest in Fate, as well as those exotic powers that she calls upon, from time to time, in pursuit of lore. For the witch, this is a small price to pay, to gain a deeper understanding of the most hidden workings of the universe.

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Download this file (13thAgeWitch.pdf)The WitchWitch class for 13th Age.Jon Mattson241 kB41052014-01-09 17:09

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  • Guest - Stephanie Corrigan

    I really love this class. I had a blast playing it in the campaign I'm currently running. If I had to leave one complaint, it'd be the witch's defenses. The witch has sorcerer and wizard level defenses, which would be fine if they were a ranged attacker. However, since the witch is expected to be in melee for some of the combat, giving it those defenses makes it pretty squishy.

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  • Actually, the witch's AC is a bit better than that of the sorcerer or wizard - note that they can wear and gain benefit from light armor (a little, anyway). To be honest, though, I had envisioned them being more inclined to hang back, flinging spells and hexes, anyway (possibly, even tossing the occasional javelin). I'm afraid that the price for their magical prowess is being a bit squishy. ;) Anyway, thank you very much for the kind words! I'm really glad you had fun trying it out!

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  • Guest - Stephanie Corrigan

    I had a different idea with how I wanted to play one so I ended up picking all the close quarter spells instead of the ranged ones and never bothered getting a ranged weapon at all :p. I probably should have picked a mix but the class seemed to flow so nicely with them, that I honestly forgot there were ranged spells in there. Thank you so much for making this class! :D

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  • Guest - Zoe Martin

    nice thanks for sharing this.

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  • Guest - jimm

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  • Guest - o5akg9

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  • An interesting class of characters. By the way, I've read bio from this Ludivina Ragusa account and I have to say that despite widow vibe, she has interesting information to read about. Someone should create a new class called Ragusa. That would be funny and interesting. At least a new character...

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