
Cleric Spell - Fount of Life

Written by Kenderama.

Fount of Life (5th level)

"Many a young priest has fallen by using this spell - overextending their strength to allow their brethren to fight on. A man has to know his limitations, Brother Briggs."

Close Quarter Spell
Target: n/a
Standard Action to Cast
Effects: The cleric calls upon her deity to summon a ghostly, glowing fountain of positive energy at her feet - investing it with a link to her own lifeforce. This lasts until the cleric runs out of recoveries, or until the cleric stops sustaining the spell. (Quick action each round to sustain.) This fount is immobile, and immaterial, however upon touch in imparts some of the cleric's own life force into whoever touches it.

7th level spell: When the Fount is dismissed, all Close-Quarters allies can heal using one of their recoveries.
9th level spell: Upon dismissal, close allies may spend up to 2 recoveries if they wish.

Champion Feat: After touching the Fount, the affected ally gains a +1 to all defenses until the start of their next turn.
Epic Feat: After touching the Fount, the affected ally adds the Escalation Die x d6 positive energy damage to all attacks until the start of their next turn.


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