
13th age character sheet

Written by Iain McAllister.

I have just started running 13th age and was pretty impressed by everything bar the character sheet which seems to have room for nothing. This is my attempt to rectify that situation. Once I think it is good enough I'll make it form fillable as well.


Feedback, greatly appreciated.

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Download this file (13thagecharsheet(0.2).pdf)13thagecharsheet(0.2).pdf Iain McAllister39 kB43592013-10-12 11:30

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  • Not a bad start! I'm not really fond of the typeface - personal preference - and I think you have a lot of wasted space as everything seems very large. I would need to print it out and see how it looked when I hand-wrote notes into it - but still I'd like to see the next version :)

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  • Version 2 is now up for your review. Changed a lot on the front page with the intention of it being put in a plastic sleeve and scribbled on with ohp pens during play.

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