
Hand Drawn Character Sheet

Written by M Scott Ball.

This is a hand-drawn character sheet that I did. 

I made this thinking of running a game with my daughter and some friends. So, I wanted it simple and big with just the stuff we reference most. We will use Kazekami's power cards, so no need to have those on the front of the sheet (I made a back page to record all the powers, spells, etc). 

I plan to come back and make it PDF-fillable at some point..but don't have the tools at the moment. I just wanted to get it out there in case others find it useful.



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Download this file (13A_CharacterSheet_HandDrawn_v1.pdf)13A_CharacterSheet_HandDrawn_v1.pdfHand-drawn 13th Age character sheetMichael Ball-Marian4772 kB33282015-09-21 02:20

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