
13th Age Character Sheet/Database for Numbers

Written by Matthew Blasi.

I created this Numbers document after discovering and playing around with the [*13th Age Automated Excel Character Sheet*] by MCKhaos. He did some excellent work, and I originally began this project by simply reproducing what he had done in Numbers so that I could easily make changes to the spreadsheet from an iPad or iPhone. However, once the process of recreating and reproducing MCKhaos's work was complete I found myself wishing for some additional functionality.

Rather than keeping several individual documents for each character in a campaign, this document is setup to collect multiple characters and output their stats automatically into a couple of different formats. The first is a formatted character sheet that can be printed out (blank or fully completed) and brought to the table. The second is as a set of notes for the GM to quickly refer to.

FileDescriptionCreatorFile sizeDownloadsLast modified
Download this file (13th Age Character Age Character Sheet/DatabaseA Numbers document for Mac and iOS devices. Updated to include the Druid play test as a class.Matthew Blasi305 kB23142014-03-08 22:18

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