
Potion of Animal Empathy

Written by Lester Gash.

Drinking this potion allows the imbiber to empathise with and befriend animals (creatures with the beast keyword) for a time. Like a Charm Person spell, this potion will not work if imbibed during combat or against animals that have rolled for initiative. They may, however, come to the defence of the imbiber and his allies if the GM deems it appropriate. It is unlikely that animals will attack their original master (if they have one), but they may defend the imbiber against creatures or humanoids strange to them. The GM may also determine that several animals are affected at once - particularly if they are in a mob - if their total combined hit-points does not exceed the maximum.

The effect is dispelled immediately if the imbiber or his allies attack the animals.

TierCostMaximum Hit-Points of AnimalDuration of Potion Effect
Adventurer 420gp 54 5 minutes
Champion 850gp 144 1 hour
Epic 1,700gp 288 1 day


From Thoughts of a Part Time Hobbyist

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