

Written by Aethera.

Wolf in Sheep's ClothingThere are a number of monsters that just sort of linger in the collective conscious of the tabletop gamer. The monsters of early D&D (we're talking 1980, courtesy of Gygax himself) are part of that, whether considered lame or useless or 'redeemed' in a later system's publication. Yep, can't keep this one to myself.

Note: Playtest in progress, but written for level four players. Suggestions of level eight equivalent (which is where Paizo decided to place them) listed at the bottom. Since I have a party of six, I'm fudging the monster numbers somewhat.

The original creature of Gygax's creation could 'sprout' a growth that appeared in the shape of a rabbit or other tiny creature. The 2002 edition which was carried over into the latest Dungeons & Dragons instead laces tendrils through the corpse of any tiny animal and uses it as a puppet to lure in prey. I'm not sure which I like better, so I'm leaving it vague here. Choose your own style!


A small forest animal sits motionless atop a worn stump—and then the stump’s face peels open into a maw of sharp teeth.

Double-strength 4th level wrecker [abberation]
Initiative: +3
Darkvision, 360° vision

Tentacles +9 vs. AC (two attacks, engaged or nearby)—10 damage each

  Natural 16+: target is stuck until the end of the stump's next turn and the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing gets to make a free attack against target PD, on a success, the target gets pulled closer (from nearby to engaged) and takes 2d4 damage from fighting the constricting tentacle.

Roots and Teeth +9 vs. AC—25 damage

AC 20
PD 14  HP 108
MD 18

Double-strength 6th level wrecker [abberation]
Initiative: +5
Darkvision, 360° vision

Tentacles +11 vs. AC (two attacks, engaged or nearby)—18 damage each

  Natural 16+: target is stuck until the end of the stump's next turn and the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing gets to make a free attack against target PD, on a success, the target gets pulled closer (from nearby to engaged) and takes 2d4 damage from fighting the constricting tentacle.

Roots and Teeth +11 vs. AC—40 damage

AC 22
PD 16  HP 180
MD 20

Double-strength 8th level wrecker [abberation]
Initiative: +7
Darkvision, 360° vision

Tentacles +13 vs. AC (two attacks, engaged or nearby)—35 damage each

  Natural 16+: target is stuck until the end of the stump's next turn and the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing gets to make a free attack against target PD, on a success, the target gets pulled closer (from nearby to engaged) and takes 2d4 damage from fighting the constricting tentacle.

Roots and Teeth +13 vs. AC—75 damage

AC 24
PD 18  HP 288
MD 22

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