(Originally found on http://dngnsndrgns.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/d20-icons-piercer.html)
Level 2 (Creature Hazard)
Init: -
HP: 28 AC: 18 PD: 14 MD: 11
Impale : +7 vs AC - 14 damage and the target is stuck save ends, every failed save deals 7 damage
Spot : The Piercer remains completely hidden unless spotted with a successful Hard difficulty Wisdom background. Until the Piercer is spotted it has +4 to its Impale attack bonus.
Trigger : When a creature moves and they have moved underneath the Piercer it makes a Impale attack.
Crawl : Once a Piercer has a made an Impale attack it is effectively inert, all it can do is make a slow crawl to return to its position on the cave ceiling which take approximately 60 minutes depending on the size of the room - During this time the Piercer is Helpless.
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