
Ankheg shell armors

Written by Martin K.

Ankheg Breastplate

As the name suggests, this breastplate is made from the shell of an ankheg.

Item type: Light Armor

Property: +1/+2/+3 AC. Resist acid 12+.

Quirk: Develop a taste for burrowing animals.

Cost to craft from a shell: 500 gp.


Ankheg Fullplate

This suit includes bracers and jambeaus made from ankheg.

Item type: Heavy Armor

Property: +1/+2/+3 AC. Resist acid 14+.

Quirk: Develop a taste for burrowing animals.

Cost to craft from a shell: 1500 gp.

Ankheg Helmet

Item type: Helmet

Property: When you are struck by a critical hit, make a saving throw (11+; epic: 16+) to turn it into a normal hit. If you wear this helmet with ankheg armor, increase acid resistance by +2.

Unlike other helmets, this item does not grant a bonus to MD.

Acid Spit (recharge 11+): close-quarters attack; quick action; 1 nearby enemy; Constitution + level vs. PD -- 5 ongoing acid damage (champion: 10; epic: 15).

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