Grid Based Range and Movement for 13th Age
Grid Based Range and Movement for 13th Age
13th Age’s range and movement rules are excellent when you aren’t using a grid. But when maps and grids get involved, it can be hard to judge when someone should be Nearby, when someone should be Far Away and how many Move Actions it should take get from A to B. Plus, some players and GMs just like grids. So, presented here are some alternative rules.
As always, any comments are welcome.
- Each grid square represents 5ft.
- Nearby range is anywhere within 30ft.
- Far Away range is anywhere further away than 30ft, within reason.
- The meaning of “within reason” should be obvious- it lets you affect a target as far away as “Far Away” range in the base rules. It doesn’t mean you can snipe across continents.
- If an effect specifies targets in a group, treat this as a 20ft radius burst. All targets must still be within range of the effect.
- If you take one Move Action on your turn, you can move up to 30ft (yes, even if you are a gnome or halfling)
- Diagonal movement works like in Pathfinder, with every other square taking an additional 5ft of movement
- No rules about hard or soft corners
- As a Quick Action, you may move 5ft. This provokes Opportunity Attacks as normal.
- If you take two consecutive Move Actions on the same turn, you may move any distance within reason.
- Again, the meaning of “within reason” should be obvious- it’s like moving from Nearby to Far Away range using the base rules.
- If you take a Move Action and a Standard Action, you may perform a Charge. This allows you to move any distance within reason but only in a straight line toward an enemy, and also allows you to make a single basic melee attack against that enemy.
- Moving to intercept works as normal and does not affect the amount of movement you can use on your turn
- You are always considered to be engaged with any enemy adjacent to you.
- Disengaging works as normal, but note that it is not necessary if your movement would not cause you to disengage from an enemy. So if you were engaged with one enemy, you could walk around it in a circle without drawing Opportunity Attacks or having to make Disengage Checks. However, Disengage Checks always take a penalty for each foe beyond the first that you are adjacent to, even if you plan to remain adjacent to one or more of those enemies.
- Example- John has two bandits on his left and one on his right, and he wants to circle around the one on his right, thus disengaging from the other two. He takes a -2 penalty to his Disengage Check because he is engaged with three foes. He fails but decides to use his Standard Action to move anyway, circling around behind the bandit on his right as planned. The two bandits on his left get Opportunity Attacks but the one on the right does not, as John has remained engaged with him.
- When an effect pops an enemy free from you, that enemy is shunted 5ft away if space allows. If there is insufficient space to shunt the enemy away, you are simply considered not to be engaged with that enemy until the end of your turn, allowing you to move without provoking Opportunity Attacks.
- When an effect pops you free from an enemy, you are not moved automatically unless the effect specifies otherwise. You are simply considered not to be engaged with that enemy until the end of your turn, allowing you to move without provoking Opportunity Attacks.
- Up to two characters may share a square without penalty. Fitting more characters within the same square is not possible unless a specific effect permits it.
- There are three new General Feats- Fleet, Longshot and Mobility
New General Feats
Champion Feat- taking a single Move Action on your turn always allows you to move up to 40ft instead of 30ft.
Epic Feat- once per day, you gain an extra Move Action. This may be traded down for a Quick Action as normal.
Champion Feat- Once per battle, you may increase the range of an attack or other effect with a range of “Nearby” from 30ft to 45ft.
Epic Feat- Once per day, you may make an attack or use an effect with a range of “Nearby” as if its range were “Far Away”
Adventurer Feat- Instead of taking all of your movement at once, you can take another action part-way through your movement, meaning that you could (for example) move 10ft, fire an arrow and then move 20ft back. However, if you move to engage an enemy, you must make a Disengage Check. Success means that you can continue moving as this feat generally allows, while failure means that your movement stops and you become engaged with the enemy.
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