
Overland Travel

Written by Aethera.

13th Age isn't a game built around the 5-foot square, so it lacks the groundwork to build travel times, travel speeds, and related details into your campaign. For a rule of thumb, a horse carrying a rider but not weighed down can travel approximately 5 miles per hour (8 km/h), or 40 miles in a day. This is a great increment because it makes the Dragon Empire map distance from Axis to Horizon three days' ride. Only problem is that there are only those nice convenient Imperial highways between the primary cities, and everything else isn't going to be so easy.

Depending on how picky you feel like being, there are levels to which you can add to this, or you can just handwave it. My personal preference is to get a solid estimate on how fast my group is likely to travel on dirt roads or plains and just deal in increments of that amount. At the same time, however, it seems a bit weird to me to let a horse with a pretty beefy dragonspawn character with heavy armor, weapons, and kit move as fast as a horse with a petite lady spellcaster with no armor, just a bow and quiver, and minimal gear. (Perhaps it's too much dependence on mechanics in other games.)

I've decided that my PCs will have to travel gently and keep their weight down or risk going 3/4 speed and accruing the hampered condition for the horse. Hasn't affected movement yet, just ability to attack. Seems fair enough. If they try to push the horses faster, they'll tire sooner, so I've listed 1/2 speed and weakened for the horse if they travel longer than 8 hours a day at a gentle walk/trot pace, or galloping for more than a mile or two at a time.

Horse, Riding
Size/Strength Normal; Level 0th; Role Troop; Type Beast Initiative +3

Hooves +5 vs. AC - 4 damage

16 14 10 20
Traveling Normally Hampered (75%) Weakened (50%) Healing
carrying up to 225 lbs, 5 mph or 40 mi/day carrying more, or pushed to gallop frequently, 30 mi/day carrying up to 650 lbs, pushed faster per hour or beyond 8 hrs, 20 mi/day and lose 3 hp/mi regains 5 hp plus any bonus when given a potion or healing magic, 5 hp/day of total rest, 2 hp/day walking

Horse, Battle-Trained
Size/Strength Normal; Level 2nd; Role Troop; Type Beast Initiative +6

Hooves +7 vs. AC - 8 damage

Natural 16+: target is knocked down. (Stuck until taking an action to rise, vulnerable to this horse's attacks.)

18 16 12 36
Traveling Normally Hampered (75%) Weakened (50%) Healing
carrying up to 400 lbs, 5 mph or 40 mi/day carrying more, or pushed to gallop often, 30 mi/day carrying up to 1200 lbs, pushed faster often, or beyond 8 hrs, 20 mi/day or lose 3 hp/mi regains 5 hp plus any bonus when given a potion or healing magic, 5 hp/day of total rest, 2 hp/day walking

Stats for horses also created by me, since there is no official listing for them.

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