
Hollowed Gate Asylum and Hospital

Written by Aaron R.

Hollowed Gate Asylum and Hospital was a grand experiment to improve and spread medical knowledge throughout the realms. The finest doctors, healers, and alchemists would gather in one place to learn from another and develop new techniques and methods of practicing medicine.


It worked. For a while.


After a number of horrible and deadly incidents, Hollowed Gate is now a shadow of it's former self. Ghosts, literal and figurative, haunt the grounds. Some staff still attempt to make the world a better place, but others persue a darker agenda.


This PDF details an adventure location for players of any level or tier, with 18 NPCs, 12 plot hooks, and advice on how to make Hollowed Gate a new and unique place for the heroes to spend time.

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Download this file (May2015-HollowedGateAsylum v5.pdf)May2015-HollowedGateAsylum v5.pdf Aaron R2482 kB19892015-08-01 18:30

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