
Druid (revised and simplified)

Written by Martin K.

fragged kingdom druid by jarrodowen daphril cThis is a revised version of the Druid class as it appears in 13 True Ways and the Archmage Engine SRD. The goal of the revision was to simplify the class and adjust its power level to match other classes, especially the Cleric and the Bard. Where possible, I removed rules to reduce complexity and word count.

Art: Fragged Kingdom Druid by Jarrod Owen


Ability Scores: Druids gain a +2 class bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom, as long as it isn’t the same ability you increase with your +2 racial bonus.

Backgrounds: Possible backgrounds include: orc-tribe hunter/gatherer, avalanche prophet, cult zealot, river guide, tribe healer, failed shaman, wild temple priest, mystic waterfall guardian, and raised by wolverines.


At 1st level, druids start with a melee weapon, light armor, possibly a staff, perhaps a bow or other ranged weapon, and other minor possessions suggested by their backgrounds.

Druids may start with either 25 gp or 1d6 x 10 gp.


Druids can wear light armor for a small AC benefit. They lack the proper training for heavy armor.

Druid Armor and AC
Type Base AC Attack Penalty
None 10 -
Light 12 -
Heavy 14 -2
Shield +1 -2


Druid Melee Weapons
Size One-Handed Two-Handed
Small 1d4 dagger 1d6 club, staff
Light or Simple 1d6 mace, axe, shell blade 1d8 spear
Heavy or Martial 1d8 (-2 atk) warhammer, flail 1d10 (-2 atk) dire flail, greataxe


Druid Ranged Weapons
Size Thrown Crossbow Bow
Small 1d4 dagger 1d4 (-2 atk) hand crossbow  -
Light or Simple 1d6 javelin, axe 1d6 (-2 atk) light crossbow 1d6 shortbow
Heavy - 1d8 (-5 atk) heavy crossbow 1d8 (-2 atk) longbow


Druid Level Level Progression

Note: Although not listed on the table, Druids get three talents. They do not gain more at higher levels.

Total Hit Points Total Feats Spells Spell
Ability Bonuses
Damage Bonus
from Ability Score
Level 1 (6 + CON mod) x 3 1 adventurer 5 1st   ability modifier
Level 2 (6 + CON mod) x 4 2 adventurer 6 1st   ability modifier
Level 3 (6 + CON mod) x 5 3 adventurer 7 3rd   ability modifier
Level 4 (6 + CON mod) x 6 4 adventurer 8 3rd +1 to 3 abilities ability modifier
Level 5 (6 + CON mod) x 8 4 adventurer
1 champion
8 3rd   2 x ability modifier
Level 6 (6 + CON mod) x 10 4 adventurer
2 champion
9 5th   2 x ability modifier
Level 7 (6 + CON mod) x 12 4 adventurer
3 champion
10 5th +1 to 3 abilities 2 x ability modifier
Level 8 (6 + CON mod) x 16 4 adventurer
3 champion
1 epic
10 7th   3 x ability modifier
Level 9 (6 + CON mod) x 20 4 adventurer
3 champion
2 epic
11 7th   3 x ability modifier
Level 10 (6 + CON mod) x 24 4 adventurer
3 champion
3 epic
12 9th +1 to 3 abilities 3 x ability modifier


Multiclass Druids start with 4 spells at level 1. See the Multiclass information at the bottom for more details.

Basic Attacks

Melee Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Strength OR Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: Weapon + Strength or Dexterity damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: Weapon + Dexterity damage

Miss: --

Druid Stats

Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Feats, and some Talents are level dependent.

Ability Bonus +2 Strength, Dexterity or Wisdom (different from racial bonus)
Initiative Dex mod + Level
Armor Class (light armor) 12 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense 11 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points (6 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart)
Recoveries (probably) 8
Recovery Dice ((1d6 OR 1d10) x Level) + Con mod
Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background
Icon Relationships 3 points; 4 at 5th level, 5 at 8th level
Talents 3
Feats 1 per level


Class Features

Druid Spellcasting

The number of spells you know depends on your level, as per the level progression chart. However, unlike other classes, druids don't have a single spell list. Instead, each talent grants you access to a different spell list. You choose the spells you will be able to cast after each full heal-up. You can mix and match the spells from your talents as you like. Note that each talent has some special rules attached to it; see the individual talent for details.


Druids use divine implements, such as symbols and staffs, to improve their spellcasting.

Melee attacks and Recovery Die

As a druid, you choose whether you want to use Strength or Dexterity as the ability score you will use to determine attack and damage for your basic attacks. Choosing Strength as your melee attack ability score provides one significant benefit: your recovery dice become d10s instead of the d6s used by other druids. Choosing Dexterity as your melee attack ability score works well because Dexterity already boosts your initiative and ranged weapon attacks and might help your AC.

Wilderness Survival

You never suffer from natural weather-related cold, heat, or exposure. You can go longer than most people without eating or drinking, but only a couple days longer.

Nature Talking

You can also talk to plants and animals. If there is useful information to gain, roll an appropriate skill check. Talking to animals requires a hard DC (20 at adventurer level), and plants usually require a ridiculously hard DC (25 at adventurer level). Both the Shifter and the Animal Companion talents grant you a +1 bonus to the check when talking with animals, and Terrain Caster grants a +1 when talking with plants.

Adventurer Feat: You can talk with plants and animals pretty much as often you like, and you gain a +5 bonus to any skill checks involved.

Druid Summoning

Duration: A summoned creature fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hit points. At 0 hp, summoned creatures are slain and removed from the battle.

One summoning spell at a time: Each spellcaster can have only a single summoning spell active at a time. If all the creatures from an earlier summoning spell have been slain, you’re free to cast another. Alternatively, you can dismiss your own previously summoned creatures as a quick action to clear the way for a new summoning spell.

Actions on arrival: Summoned creatures appear next to you. The turn you summon a creature, that creature takes its turn immediately after your turn in initiative order. During its turn, the summoned creature can act like any other creature, taking a standard, move, and quick action. The summoned creature continues to take its turn immediately after you (even if your initiative order changes) until the end of the battle.

Escalation die: Summoned creatures don’t benefit from the escalation die. However, if you use a quick action to command your creature, it can add the escalation die to attacks until the start of your next turn. You can command all mooks summoned with the same spell with a single quick action.

Allies: Summoned creatures count as your allies.

No recoveries, bad healing: Summoned creatures don’t have recoveries. If you cast a healing spell on a summoned creature that requires the use of a recovery, the summoned creature heals hit points equal to your level. If you use an effect that would heal a summoned creature without using a recovery, the summoned creature only heals half the normal hit points of the effect. Temporary hit points still work normally.

No nastier specials: Creatures you summon don’t use nastier specials.

Adventurer Feat: Your summoned creatures can arrive anywhere you can see nearby, instead of needing to appear beside you.

Champion Feat: Non-mook creatures you summon increase their base hit points by 2d10 + 2x Strength or Dexterity modifier (8th level: 3d10 + 3x modifier).

Epic Feat: Once per day, when you heal using a recovery, a creature you summoned can heal the same amount, ignoring the usual restrictions on limited healing for summoned creatures.


Animal Companion

For each spell slot you spend on your Animal Companion talent, you gain two things — One use of your Call Animal Companion power, and an Animal Companion daily spell.

Call Animal Companion

Close-quarters power; Once per day for each spell slot you spend on Animal Companion spells; Quick action

Special: You can use this power when you roll initiative.

Effect: You call your animal companion to fight with you in this battle.

Actions: Your animal companion acts on your initiative turn, either before or after you, as you choose. Your animal companion gets a move action and a standard action, but not a quick action.

Healing: Your animal companion can be healed like an ally. If it is healed using a recovery, it uses your recoveries and your recovery roll. Instead of dying like a monster or NPC at 0 hp, your animal companion follows PC rules for falling unconscious at 0 hp and dying after four failed death saves or when its negative hit points equal half its normal hit points. If your animal companion dies, it’s gone for the battle, though you can call it (or another one) to fight in the next battle. In that battle, the animal companion will be one level lower than normal, but it will be back at its normal level the following battle.

Druid Animal Companion Stats
Attack (vs. AC) Damage AC PD MD HP
1 +5 1d8 16 14 10 20
2 +6 1d10 17 15 11 27
3 +7 2d6 18 16 12 36
4 +9 3d6 19 17 13 45
5 +10 4d6 21 19 15 54
6 +11 5d6 22 20 16 72
7 +13 6d6 23 21 17 90
8 +14 7d6 25 23 19 108
9 +15 8d6 26 24 20 144
10 +17 9d6 27 25 21 180


Druid Animal Companion Types
Animal Benefit
Bear, Giant Badger, Wolverine Gains temporary hit points equal to its level each time it hits with an attack. (Champion Feat: x2)
Boar, Spiky Lizard Gains a +1 attack bonus when it moves before its attack during the same turn.
Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, Owl, Vulture It flies! Reduce its melee damage die by one step (d6 at level 1).
Panther, Lion, Tiger Increase its crititcal threat range by 2 against enemies with lower initiative.
Snake, Giant Spider, Poison Toad Deals ongoing poison damage equal to twice your level on a natural attack roll of 18+ (Champion Feat: x3; Epic Feat: x4).
Wolf, Big Dog, Coyote, Hyena, Jackal Gains a +1 attack bonus against enemies its master attacked the same turn, or against enemies engaged with its master


Adventurer Feat: Once per day, your animal companion can attack twice in a round with a standard action.

Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, your animal companion can turn a disengage success by an enemy it is engaged with into a failure.

Adventurer Feat: Once per day, reroll one of your animal companion’s missed attack rolls.

Adventurer Feat: Your animal companion adds the escalation die to its attacks.

Champion Feat: Once per day, your animal companion can force an enemy to reroll an attack that hit it.

Champion Feat: Increase your animal companion’s Physical Defense and Mental Defense by +1.

Epic Feat: Increase your animal companion’s damage die by one size (for example, from d6s to d8s, or d8s to d10s).

Epic Feat: Increase your animal companion’s AC by +1.

Animal Companion Spells

Pack Link (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: One nearby animal companion

Effect: Until the end of the battle, when the target attacks an enemy that is engaged with you, increase the target’s melee attack damage dice for that attack by one size, up to a maximum of d12.

5th level spell: The target’s basic melee attacks now deal half damage on a natural even miss.

7th level spell: The target’s basic melee attacks now deal half damage on any miss.

Vitality (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: One nearby animal companion

Effect: The target heals using a free recovery.

3rd level spell: In addition, the target heals hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier at the start of each of its turns until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hit points.

5th level spell: The healing the target gains at the start of its turn is now double your Wisdom modifier.

7th level spell: The healing the target gains at the start of its turn is now triple your Wisdom modifier.

9th level spell: The first time this battle that the target drops to 0 hit points, you can roll a normal save. If you succeed, the target heals using one of your recoveries.

Magic Fang (3rd Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: One nearby animal companion

Effect: If the target already adds the escalation die to its attacks, it gains a +2 attack bonus until the end of the battle. If not, it now adds the escalation die to its attacks until the end of the battle.

5th level spell: The target’s crit range expands by 2.

9th level spell: The target’s crit range expands by a total of 4.

Armor of Shell & Spirits (5th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Special: You must spend a recovery to cast this spell.

Target: One nearby animal companion

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains resist damage 12+ against attacks that target AC.

7th level spell: Resistance now includes attacks that target PD.

9th level spell: Resistance increases to resist damage 14+.

Blood is Strong (7th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: One nearby animal companion

Effect: Until the end of the battle, when the target hits with a melee attack, you heal hit points equal to 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier.

9th level spell: You now heal hit points equal to 2d10 + double your Wisdom modifier.

Spirit Guardian (9th Level)

Ranged spell; Daily; Free action

Trigger: You drop to 0 hp or below while your animal companion is nearby and still above 0 hp.

Effect: Your spirit trades places with the spirit of your animal companion. You now occupy the body of your animal companion, using its current hit points, defenses, and attacks (and the effects of any spells cast upon it earlier).

You can’t cast spells or use your normal humanoid powers and class features while in your companion’s body. You can either keep fighting as your animal companion or you can roll a normal save as a quick action once during each of your turns; if you succeed, your body and your animal companion's body swap places while your spirits return to their proper bodies. You keep the hit points of the animal companion before you rolled the save, but can heal using a recovery when the swap is complete, if you wish. Returning to your own partially-healed body thanks to the successful save ends the spell's effect.

While your animal companion is in your body, it can roll death saves and be healed. If it becomes conscious it can attack using its basic melee attacks, but it doesn’t have access to any of your spells or powers. Any failed death saves remain with the spirit that failed them, not the body.

Elemental Caster

As an elemental caster, you can summon elementals and draw on the raw magic of nature, providing many powerful daily spells. You can choose as many feats as you wish from feat trees related to mastering the four elements: air, earth, fire and water.

Air Mastery

Champion Feat: All elementals you summon gain a bonus to disengage checks equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Epic Feat: The first daily Air spell you cast each day is now a recharge 16+ after battle spell for the rest of the day.

Earth Mastery

Champion Feat: Enemies roll two d20 when they attempt to disengage from elementals you summon, and must take the lower result.

Epic Feat: The first daily Earth spell you cast each day is now a recharge 16+ after battle spell for the rest of the day.

Fire Mastery

Champion Feat: When an elemental you have summoned drops to 0 hp, one enemy engaged with it takes damage equal to your level + double your Wisdom modifier.

Epic Feat: The first daily Fire spell you cast each day is now a recharge 16+ after battle spell for the rest of the day.

Water Mastery

Champion Feat: Each elemental you summon gains temporary hit points equal to your level the first time each turn it rolls a natural even attack roll.

Epic Feat: The first daily Water spell you cast each day is now a recharge 16+ after battle spell for the rest of the day.

1st Level Elemental Caster Spells

Deeper Waters

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d10 + Wisdom damage

Natural Even Hit: The target takes ongoing damage equal to your level, or increases an already existing ongoing damage effect by your level (your choice).

3rd level spell: 4d6 damage

5th level spell: 6d6 damage

7th level spell: 6d10 damage

9th level spell: 8d10 damage

Earth Strength

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: One nearby ally you choose and one other random nearby ally. Both targets must be touching the ground.

Effect: The effect depends on the target’s status.

Unstaggered target: The target gains a bonus to its attacks and damage equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier until the target ends its turn staggered or until the end of the battle.

Staggered target: The target can heal using a recovery.

3rd level spell: You can now be the chosen target.

5th level spell: An unstaggered target also gains the bonus to saves.

7th level spell: A staggered target can heal using a free recovery instead.

9th level spell: The spell targets two random nearby allies instead of one.

Faerie Fire

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom fire damage, and the target is vulnerable (hard save ends, 16+).

Miss: Half damage, and the target is vulnerable until the end of your next turn.

3rd level spell: 6d6 damage, and in addition to being vulnerable, the target can’t turn invisible or hide from you or your allies (save ends both).

5th level spell: 6d10 damage, and the target also can’t teleport (save ends all).

7th level spell: 10d10 damage.

9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage.

Flame Spear

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d12 + Wisdom fire damage.

Natural Odd Hit: One of your allies engaged with the target takes 1d6 fire damage.

3rd level spell: 5d6 damage, 2d6 damage on odd hit.

5th level spell: 5d8 damage, 2d8 damage on odd hit.

7th level spell: 7d10 damage, 3d10 damage on odd hit.

9th level spell: 10d10 damage, 4d6 damage on odd hit.

Gust (Air)

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: One nearby enemy

Always: Before rolling the attack, you can attempt to disengage as a free action.

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d6 damage, and 5 ongoing cold damage.

Miss: You don’t expend the spell.

3rd level spell: 6d6 damage.

5th level spell: 6d10 damage and 10 ongoing cold damage, and you gain flight until the end of your next turn.

7th level spell: 10d10 damage damage and 10 ongoing cold damage, and you gain flight until the end of the battle.

9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage, and 15 ongoing cold damage.

Hail Hail

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: The nearby or far away enemy you can see that has the most hit points

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Natural Even Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom cold damage, and a different nearby enemy takes cold damage equal to your level.

Natural Odd Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom cold damage, and each nearby mook takes 1d3 damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

3rd level spell: 3d6 damage, 1d6 mook damage on odd hit.

5th level spell: 5d6 damage, 1d10 mook damage on odd hit.

7th level spell: 5d8 damage, 2d8 mook damage on odd hit.

9th level spell: 7d10 damage, 4d6 mook damage on odd hit.

Ripping Vines

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom damage

Natural Odd Hit: Deal ongoing damage equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 9th), whichever is higher.

Critical Hit: the target is stuck (save ends).

3rd level spell: 3d6 damage

5th level spell: 5d6 damage

7th level spell: 5d8 damage

9th level spell: 7d10 damage

Water Breathing

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Effect: You can breathe underwater until the end of the battle, or for five minutes.

3rd level spell: The spell now targets up to five nearby allies as well as you.

5th level spell: The effect lasts for about five hours.

7th level spell: The effect lasts for about ten hours.

9th level spell: The effect lasts until your next full heal-up.

3rd Level Elemental Caster Spells

Summon Air Elemental

Ranged spell; Daily

Effect: You summon a 3rd level small air elemental (20 hp).

5th level spell: You now summon a 5th level air elemental (33 hp).

7th level spell: You now summon a 7th level big air elemental (47 hp).

9th level spell: You now summon a 9th level epic air elemental (85 hp).

Summon Earth Elemental

Ranged spell; Daily

Effect: You summon a 3rd level small earth elemental (17 hp).

5th level spell: You now summon a 5th level earth elemental (26 hp).

7th level spell: You now summon a 7th level big earth elemental (44 hp).

9th level spell: You now summon a 9th level epic earth elemental (70 hp).

Summon Fire Elemental

Ranged spell; Daily

Effect: You summon a 3rd level small fire elemental (21 hp).

5th level spell: You now summon a 5th level fire elemental (33 hp).

7th level spell: You now summon a 7th level big fire elemental (48 hp).

9th level spell: You now summon a 9th level epic fire elemental (83 hp).

Summon Water Elemental

Ranged spell; Daily

Effect: You summon a 3rd level small water elemental (18 hp).

5th level spell: You now summon a 5th level water elemental (30 hp).

7th level spell: You now summon a 7th level big water elemental (45 hp).

9th level spell: You now summon a 9th level epic water elemental (80 hp).

5th Level Elemental Caster Spells

Flame Seeds (Fire)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 + 1 nearby enemies

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d12 + Wisdom fire damage, and 5 ongoing fire damage (hard save ends, 16+).

Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can use a quick action once per turn to increase the flame seeds ongoing fire damage by 5 for each target that hasn’t saved. (Yes, you can use a quick action the same turn that you cast the spell.)

7th level spell: 5d12 damage.

9th level spell: 8d12 damage.

Fog Bank (Water)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: Each creature in the battle, including you

Effect: Until the start of your next turn, when a target attempts to attack, ready an action, or delay, it must roll a hard save (16+). If the target fails, it expends that action to no effect.

9th level spell: You can now choose which creatures in the battle the spell targets.

7th Level Elemental Caster Spells

Lightning Strikes (Air)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby or far away enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 10d8 + Wisdom lightning damage.

Miss: 15 lightning damage.

Effect: Until the end of the battle, when the escalation die is odd at the start of your turn, repeat this attack once that turn against one random nearby enemy as a free action, even if you don’t have line of sight to that creature.

9th level spell: 10d12 damage; 25 miss damage.

9th Level Elemental Caster Spells

Wall of Stone (Earth)

Ranged spell; Daily

Effect: You create a more or less impenetrable wall of stone that’s pretty big. You can’t drop it on top of enemies or bend it after creating it, but it can form natural flowing shapes like a river of stone that’s at most 40 feet high, 120 feet long, and 10 feet thick. If you’re straining to come up with nasty ways to use the wall, you’re breaking the spirit of the spell, since it’s just supposed to be a stone wall that blocks most other creatures’ movements.

You, the spellcasting druid, can move through the wall at will, but you can’t end your turn inside it.

The wall isn’t permanent: walls of stone generally disappear at sunrise or sunset.


You glory in shifting into the forms of animals that nature blessed with keen eyes, swift wings, and terrible fangs.

The Shifter talent grants two forms: A scout form, which you can use for reconnaissance, and a beast form that strengthens your combat abilities.

In addition, you can use your spell slots to activate beast aspects while in beast form.

Scout Form

Shift to Scout Form

Close-quarters power; At-will; Standard action

Effect: You shift into a magical version of normal, smaller animal, that is useful for scouting, such as a bobcat, a coyote, an owl, a lizard, a dire rat, a giant spider, and so on. You shouldn’t have any problem slipping through the world without being troubled by any but the most serious defenses. However, you don’t look like a natural animal; there’s something extremely magical about you.

In scout form, you gain 1d4 + 1 points in a temporary animal background to represent your innate abilities, such as a keen sense of smell or echolocation. Becoming a small animal isn’t a perfect translation of self. Your humanoid brain doesn’t work the same when you’ve shifted into scout form. You don’t talk. You can’t cast spells. Your magical items and possessions change shape with you, but you don’t get to use them in scout form. You maintain your identity and know who your allies are, but you’re as much an animal as a person while in the form.

Transforming back to humanoid form requires a quick action. You can only shift once per round, but you can stay in scout form as long as you like.

Fighting in scout form is ineffective, unless you’re fighting a mundane animal. Your attacker hits you unless he rolls a natural 1, and taking damage this way transforms you back into humanoid form.

Combat Reconnaissance

Close-quarters power; Once per day per tier; Free action

Special: If you have surveyed the battlefield or the opponents in scout form before a battle, you can use this power immediately before you roll initiative.

Effect: Make an appropriate animal background skill check to determine the effect based on which DC you beat.

Normal success (DC 15): You gain a +4 bonus to initiative this battle.

Hard success (DC 20): As a free action at some point during the battle, you can grant one of your allies a reroll on an attack roll or save. That ally must take the new result. Something that happened while you were scouting contributed to this benefit.

Ridiculously hard success (DC 25): The GM chooses between giving you a reroll at some point during the battle, or giving you a floating story-guide icon relationship result of 6 with a random icon.

Champion tier increases the DC by 5, and epic tier by 5 more.

Adventurer Feat: Your temporary animal background roll is a 1d6 instead of 1d4 + 1, and count a 1 rolled as a 2.

Champion Feat: A normal success with your combat recon skill check also grants your allies a +2 bonus to initiative this battle. Rerolls from your combat recon exploits gain a +2 bonus.

Epic Feat: You now get two benefits instead of one when you succeed at a ridiculously hard skill check with your scout form.

Beast Form

Shift to Beast Form

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Effect: Until the end of the battle, you assume the form of a deadly predator, such as a wolf, panther, tiger, bear, wolverine, lion. Shifting back to humanoid form is a quick action. While in beast form, you can make Beast Form Melee Attacks.

Spells and magic items: You can speak in a growly voice, but you can't spells. Your magic items stick with you and you get the benefit of their default bonuses. You can't use magic item powers while in beast form.

Adventurer Feat: You can now cast spells and use magic item powers while in beast form.

Champion Feat: You can shift into beast form once per battle without using an aspect. This gives you the beast form melee attack and any other effects associated with beast form.

Beast Form Melee Attack

In beast form, you cannot use weapons. Instead, your unarmed melee attacks take no attack penalty and use d8 damage dice. You are also considered two-weapon fighting (reroll natural 2 on melee attack rolls).

Shake It Off (7th Level+)

Close-quarters power; Recharge 16+ after battle; Free action

Special: You must be in beast form with an active beast aspect to use this power. Learning this power costs a spell slot.

Trigger: You take damage.

Effect: You remain in beast form, but you end the effect of your beast aspect. You take only 6d6 damage from the triggering attack and ignore the rest of the damage. You still suffer any other effects of the attack (including ongoing damage).

Beast Aspects

You treat beast aspects as spells; they use a spell slot and you pick them at full heal-up.

When choosing your beast aspects during full heal-up, you can either spend one spell slot on the aspect, in which case you gain the initiate effect, or you can choose to spend two spell slots, in which case you gain both the initiate and the adept effect (including the Recharge 16+ roll to regain it after the battle).

You must be in beast form to use a beast aspect. You can use only one beast aspect at a time. Using another aspect ends the previous one.

Bear Aspect

Beast aspect; Daily (Recharge 16+ for adepts); Quick action

Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, while in beast form you gain a +2 bonus to attacks and damage against lower level enemies and mooks of any level (damage bonus increases to 2 + double your Strength or Dexterity modifier at 5th level; damage bonus increases to 2 + triple your Strength or Dexterity modifier at 8th level).

Adept Effect: When you first shift into this aspect, roll your recovery dice as if you were healing, but you instead gain that many temporary hit points. You don’t spend a recovery.

Adventurer Feat: The initiate effect’s attack bonus is now +4 instead of +2.

Champion Feat: You also gain a +2 AC bonus while using this aspect.

Epic Feat: Until the first time it recharges that day, bear aspect is recharge 11+ instead of recharge 16+ for adepts.

Behemoth Aspect

Beast aspect; Daily (Recharge 16+ for adepts); Quick action

Initiate Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to AC and PD.

Adept Effect: The first time you become staggered this battle, roll a hard save (16+). If you fail, choose one of the two following benefits. If you succeed, you get both.

Endurance: You can heal using a recovery.

Wrath: Begin rolling 2d20 for each of your melee attacks and choose the result you prefer until the end of the battle or until you make both rolls for a melee attack and each roll is a natural 10 or less.

Adventurer Feat: The recovery from the adept’s endurance effect is now free.

Champion Feat: For adepts, the bonus to AC and PD is now +3 instead of +2.

Epic Feat: The save that determines the adept’s benefit(s) is now a normal save.

Mantis Aspect

Beast aspect; Daily (Recharge 16+ for adepts); Quick action

Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, when an enemy engaged with you fails a disengage check, you can make an opportunity attack against it. In addition, your natural even beast form attack rolls that would normally deal damage equal to your level deal half damage instead.

Adept Effect: You gain a +1d3 bonus to AC and a +1d3 bonus to PD (two separate rolls — insects are unpredictable).

Adventurer Feat: When an enemy attempts to disengage from you while you are using this aspect, it takes a penalty to the check equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Champion Feat: Adept effect bonuses are now d4s instead of d3s.

Epic Feat: Until the first time it recharges each day, mantis aspect is recharge 11+ instead of recharge 16+ for adepts.

Leopard Aspect

Beast aspect; Daily (Recharge 16+ for adepts); Quick action

Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, when an enemy misses you with a melee attack and rolls a natural 1–4, you gain an additional standard action during your next turn. You can only gain one additional standard action a turn this way. Powers like elven grace or a command won’t stack with this effect either.

Adept Effect: As the initiate effect, and you gain a +2 bonus to AC. You also gain a +5 bonus to disengage checks and to saves against being stuck, dazed, or stunned.

Owlbear Aspect

Beast aspect; Daily (Recharge 16+ for adepts); Quick action

Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, your crit range with melee attacks expands by 2.

Adept Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to melee attacks and a +2 bonus to AC and PD.

Adventurer Feat: When you score a critical hit, you heal hit points equal to your level + your Wisdom modifier (double your Wisdom modifier at 5th level; triple it at 8th level).

Champion Feat: While you are in this aspect, your critical hits with melee attacks deal triple damage instead of double damage.

Epic Feat: Until the first time it recharges each day, owlbear aspect is recharge 11+ instead of recharge 16+ for adepts.

Tiger Aspect

Beast aspect; Daily (Recharge 16+ for adepts); Quick action

Adept Effect: Increase the size of your beast form melee attack damage dice by one size (for example, d6s become d8s, and d10s become 12s).

Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, when you miss with a beast form melee attack, repeat the attack against the same or a different target. This second attack has no miss effect.

Adventurer Feat: Your second beast form attack (the one you roll when the first attack misses) now deals miss damage equal to your level.

Champion Feat: You also gain a +2 attack bonus with any attack you reroll while using this aspect.

Epic Feat: Until the first time it recharges each day, tiger aspect is recharge 11+ instead of recharge 16+ for adepts.

Wolverine Aspect

Beast aspect; Daily (Recharge 16+ for adepts); Quick action

Initiate Effect: Until the end of the battle, when your melee attacks hit an enemy that has more hit points than you, the target takes 1d6 extra damage from the hit.

2nd level druid: +1d8 damage.

4th level druid: +1d10 damage.

6th level druid: +2d6 damage.

8th level druid: +3d6 damage.

10th level druid: +3d12 damage.

Adept Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses. You can also rally once this battle as a quick action instead of a standard action.

Champion Feat: You can use the damage bonus against an enemy that started the battle with more hit points than you, but no longer does.

Epic Feat: Until the first time it recharges each day, wolverine aspect is recharge 11+ instead of recharge 16+ for adepts.

Terrain Caster

Each terrain spell belongs to one of eight terrains that are relevant to druidic magic:

  1. cave, dungeon, underworld
  2. forest, woods
  3. ice, snowfields, tundra
  4. migration route (large herd animal)
  5. mountains
  6. plains, overworld
  7. ruins
  8. swamp, lake, river

When choosing spells after a full healup, you can only choose from the terrain that you have taken your full heal-up in. (Terrains need not be exclusive; ruins can exist on mountains, and the terrain caster can draw upon each.)

Later during the day, when you enter a new terrain, you can use the Reattune power to gain spells from that terrain.


Effect: Spend a few minutes meditating on the new terrain. You can expend any number of spells (see spellcasting) and gain terrain caster spells of your current terrain in these slots.

Adventurer Feat: You can designate one spell slot as a "daily terrain spell". You can use this slot once during the day to cast a daily spell from the terrain you are currently in, or a terrain that you are permanently attuned to via an adventurer feat.

Cave, Dungeon, Underworld

Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Cave, Dungeon, Underworld terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Champion Feat: Once per battle, when an attack targeting MD hits you while you’re not fighting in bright sunlight, you can force the attacker to reroll that attack, but you must accept the reroll.

Ways of the Dark (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD

Hit: 1d8 psychic damage (don’t add your ability score modifier).

Natural Even Hit: As a hit, plus the target can’t attack the druid until the end of its next turn unless the druid moves to engage the target.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

3rd level spell: 2d8 damage

5th level spell: 3d8 damage

7th level spell: 5d8 damage

9th level spell: 7d8 damage

Spider Climb (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle or for five minutes, you can climb up sheer surfaces and stick to ceilings as if you were a spider. You can fight and cast spells normally while climbing.

3rd level spell: If you’re fighting while standing upside down on a ceiling or sideways on a wall, you can reroll the first natural odd attack roll you get if you tell a fun story about how the spider climb effect is letting you fight better than you ordinarily would!

5th level spell: While the spell is in effect, you can fall up to 100 feet without taking damage.

7th level spell: The effect lasts up to an hour and you can also target a nearby ally.

9th level spell: The spell now targets you and 1d4 + 1 nearby allies.

Fungal Ambuscade (3rd Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: The target takes 15 ongoing poison damage (two saves ends).

Miss: The target takes 5 ongoing poison damage (two saves ends).

5th level spell: 25 ongoing damage on a hit, 10 ongoing damage on a miss.

7th level spell: 50 ongoing damage on a hit, 20 ongoing damage on a miss.

9th level spell: 90 ongoing damage on a hit, 40 ongoing damage on a miss.

Spikestones (5th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the area the battle is occurring in is dangerous to move in. When an enemy moves through the area on the ground (enemies using teleport or similar powers aren’t affected), it must roll a normal save that turn. On a failure, that creature takes 7d6 damage. If they move again that turn, they don’t have to roll a save.

You can move normally in the area. Your allies must roll an easy save (6+); if they fail they take half damage when they move.

Since the spell normally only works underground, it affects creatures with flight because it’s assumed that nasty stalactites jut out from the ceiling as well as the walls and floors. If you’re in a giant cavern when you cast it, fliers could probably zip around away from surfaces without too much trouble (GM’s call).

7th level spell: 7d10 damage.

9th level spell: 9d10 damage.

Forest, Woods

Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Forest, Woods terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Champion Feat: Once per battle, when you hit an enemy that’s a beast with Rain of Acorns, the target is also confused until the end of your next turn.

Rain of Acorns (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d4 damage + Wisdom damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

3rd level spell: 2d4 damage

5th level spell: 2d6 damage

7th level spell: 4d6 damage

9th level spell: 6d6 damage

Barkskin (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: You or one nearby ally wearing light armor or no armor

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains a +3 bonus to AC except against attacks that deal fire damage.

5th level spell: The +3 bonus also applies to PD except against attacks that deal fire damage.

9th level spell: You can now choose two targets.

Entangle (3rd Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby creatures

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom damage, and if the target has 80 hp or fewer after the damage, it’s stuck (save ends).

Miss: Damage equal to your level, if the target has 80 hp or fewer after the damage, it’s stuck (easy save ends, 6+).

5th level spell: 5d10 damage; hit/miss effect affects targets with 135 hp or fewer.

7th level spell: 6d10 damage; hit/miss effect affects targets with 220 hp or fewer.

9th level spell: 10d10 damage; hit/miss effect affects targets with 350 hp or fewer.

Plantwalk (5th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the turn, you can teleport once as a move action by moving into a tree or other large plant and emerging from another plant or tree of the same species you can see or out of your line of sight. If you go beyond your line of sight, the GM chooses how far you can go, up to a mile.

Once per level when you cast this spell, you also summon a 5th level earth elemental beside one of the trees or plants involved in your teleport. Use the elemental caster’s summon earth elemental spell.

7th level spell: The once per level summoning now summons a 7th level earth elemental.

9th level spell: You can now use the spell to teleport virtually unlimited distances as long as you travel to a grove or forest and emerge from a tree or plant well-known to you. The once per level summoning now summons a 9th level earth elemental.

Ice, Tundra, Deep Snow

Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Ice, Tundra, Deep Snow terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Champion Feat: You gain resist cold 16+ and your spells ignore the resist cold abilities that the targets of your spells have.

Frost Touch (1st Level+)

Close-quarters spell; Once per battle

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom cold damage, or 3d6 + Wisdom cold damage to an enemy you are engaged with.

Miss: Half damage.

3rd level spell: 4d6 damage, or 6d6 to an enemy you are engaged with.

5th level spell: 5d10 damage, or 6d10 to an enemy you are engaged with.

7th level spell: 8d10 damage, or 10d10 to an enemy you are engaged with.

9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage, or 2d8 x 10 to an enemy you are engaged with.

Icicle (3rd Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby or far away creature

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 5d10 + Wisdom cold damage

Natural Even Hit: The target is hampered (easy save ends, 6+).

Natural Odd Hit: The target is stuck (easy save ends, 6+).

Miss: Half damage, and the target is stuck until the end of its next turn.

7th level spell: 7d10 damage.

7th level spell: 10d12 damage.

9th level spell: 2d10 x 10 damage.

Cone of Cold (5th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: 1d4 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 10d6 + Wisdom cold damage.

Natural Even Hit: Target is also stuck (save ends).

Miss: Half damage.

7th level spell: 10d10 damage.

9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage.

Migration Route (Large Herd Animal)

Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Migration Route terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Whoomph (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom damage; or 2d8 + Wisdom damage against a mook.

Miss: Damage equal to your level against a non-mook; no effect against a mook.

3rd level spell: 3d6 damage, or 6d6 against a mook.

5th level spell: 5d6 damage, or 6d10 against a mook.

7th level spell: 5d8 damage, or 10d8 against a mook.

9th level spell: 8d10 damage, or 3d6 x 10 against a mook.

Stomp! (5th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby large, huge, or even bigger enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 7d12 + Wisdom damage.

Miss: You don’t expend the spell, but must cast it again with your next standard action. If you don’t, you take damage from the spell as if you had been hit and the spell is expended.

7th level spell: 3d4 x 10 damage.

9th level spell: 3d8 x 10 damage.

Migratory Teleport (7th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Effect: You and up to 4 allies next to you can teleport to the site of any migratory beast herd in the world.

When you teleport, roll a d20. If you roll a 1, something unusual intervened and you arrive at a different herd site than you had intended (GM’s choice). Otherwise, you and your allies arrive somewhere hear the desired herd. Unlike the wizard’s 9th level teleport spell, this spell doesn’t allow you to choose your precise destination.

Any effects of spells or items cast/created before teleporting are canceled and no longer function on arrival, so it’s best to wait and use such spells after you arrive.

9th level spell: You can now try to teleport to any location along the migration route. Stabbing your finger on the world map suffices, but your aim won’t be perfect. Attempts to teleport to places off the map to the north or west usually don’t work.


Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Mountains terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Champion Feat: Once per day, you can heal using a second recovery when some other effect has enabled you to heal using a single recovery. This bonus recovery is a free recovery, but it doesn’t benefit from any bonuses the first recovery gains.

Spark (1st Level+)

Close-quarters spell; At-will

Target: One nearby or far-away enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom lightning damage, or 2d8 + Wisdom lightning damage against a creature that is flying.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

3rd level spell: 3d6 damage, or 6d6 against a flying creature.

5th level spell: 5d6 damage, or 6d10 against a flying creature.

7th level spell: 5d8 damage, or 10d8 against a flying creature.

9th level spell: 8d10 damage, or 3d6 x 10 against a flying creature.

Rumble (1st Level+)

Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action

Effect: Until the end of the battle, when you end your turn engaged with one or more enemies, each of those creatures takes thunder damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.

3rd level spell: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.

5th level spell: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.

7th level spell: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.

9th level spell: 4d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.

Stoneskin (3rd Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: You or one nearby ally

Effect: The target gains resist damage 16+ against attacks targeting AC until the end of the battle or until two natural 16+ attack rolls against AC hit the target.

5th level spell: Resist damage now also applies to attacks targeting PD.

9th level spell: Resist damage increases to 18+.

Call Lightning (7th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: This spell generates a number of attacks equal to the escalation die. Each attack targets a random enemy. Determine the target of each attack just before rolling the attack, so that an enemy that drops to 0 hp won’t be targeted again.

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 5d12 + Wisdom lightning damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

9th level spell: 7d12 damage.

Plains, Overworld

Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Plains, Overworld terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Champion Feat: Once per battle as a free action, you can choose a spell that targets nearby creatures or enemies. That spell can target far away creatures or enemies this battle.

Sunbeams (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; At-Will

Target: Up to two nearby or far away enemies

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d4 damage + Wisdom fire damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

3rd level spell: 3d4 damage

5th level spell: 2d8 damage

7th level spell: 4d6 damage

9th level spell: 4d12 damage

Heat Metal (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby enemy in heavy armor, wearing metal armor, or using metal weapons

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom fire damage, and 10 ongoing fire damage and dazed (save ends both).

Miss: 10 ongoing fire damage.

3rd level spell: 5d6 damage, and 15 ongoing damage (hit and miss).

5th level spell: 5d10 damage, and 25 ongoing damage (hit and miss).

7th level spell: 9d10 damage, and 40 ongoing damage (hit and miss).

9th level spell: 10d12 damage, and 50 ongoing damage (hit and miss).

Air & Fire (3rd Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Effect: Gain a daily spell of the same level from the Air or Fire element of the Elemental Caster’s spell list as a bonus spell, even if you don’t know that spell. The spell can’t be a summon elemental spell. If you don't cast the spell before the end of the scene or battle, it is lost.

Harmony (5th level)

Ranged spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: Two willing nearby allies (possibly including you).

Effect: Until the end of the battle, when one of the targets takes damage, the target with the most hit points takes that damage instead (your choice on ties).

The effect doesn’t work while a target is at 0 hit points or below. Ignore temporary hit points.

7th level spell: The spell can now target up to three willing allies.

9th level spell: The spell can now target up to four willing allies.


Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Ruins terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Champion Feat: Once per day when you drop to 0 hit points or below, you can roll a normal save. If you succeed, heal using a recovery before going unconscious. If you fail, it counts as a failed death check.

Ruination (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Once per battle

Target: All nearby enemies (target each mob of mooks only once, not each member)

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. the highest MD of all targets

Hit: 2d6 damage (without ability modifier).

3rd level spell: 4d6 damage

5th level spell: 6d6 damage

7th level spell: 9d6 damage

9th level spell: 6d12 damage

Inevitable Collapse (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom damage, and 10 special ongoing damage.

Special ongoing damage: The target can’t start rolling saves against this damage until you or your allies attack it, or until it starts its turn staggered.

3rd level spell: 5d6 damage, and 15 ongoing damage; 5 ongoing on a miss.

5th level spell: 5d10 damage, and 20 ongoing damage; 10 ongoing on a miss.

7th level spell: 8d10 damage, and 25 ongoing damage; 15 ongoing on a miss.

9th level spell: 10d12 damage, and 40 ongoing damage; 20 ongoing on a miss.

How Things End (5th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: Up to 3 nearby staggered enemies

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD

Hit: 6d10 + Wisdom psychic damage

Natural Even Hit: the target can’t attack you during its next turn.

7th level spell: 10d10 damage

9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage.

Devastation (9th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Special: You can cast this spell only once per level.

Target: One structure constructed by mortals that isn’t in the overworld, in the underworld, or under an icon’s personal magical protection.

Skill Check: To gain the effect, you must succeed on a skill check corresponding to the tier of the structure and the GM’s assessment of the difficulty: normal, hard, or ridiculously hard.

Effect: The structure begins to come down as if it aged centuries in minutes. It may take up to an hour to collapse entirely. Supremely magical structures may have their own ways of regenerating.

Swamp, Lake, River

Adventurer Feat: You are always attuned to Swamp, Lake, River terrain, and you can choose these spells at a full heal-up, even when you are in different terrain.

Champion Feat: You gain resist poison 16+.

Poison Thorns (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; At-will

Target: One random nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: 5 damage, and 5 ongoing poison damage

3rd level spell: 8 damage, and 8 ongoing poison damage

5th level spell: 13 damage, and 13 ongoing poison damage

7th level spell: 20 damage, and 20 ongoing poison damage

9th level spell: 30 damage, and 30 ongoing poison damage

The Big Muddy (1st Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: Each nearby enemy with 50 hit points or fewer that is touching the ground or the water and doesn’t have the flight ability

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD

Hit: The target is stuck (save ends)

3rd level spell: Targets with 80 hit points or fewer.

5th level spell: Targets with 140 hit points or fewer.

7th level spell: Targets with 200 hit points or fewer.

9th level spell: Targets with 320 hit points or fewer.

Reclamation (3rd Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: Up to two nearby non-mook enemies with the fewest hit points

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD

Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom damage, and the target can’t heal (hard save ends, 16+).

Miss: Half damage.

5th level spell: 6d8 damage.

7th level spell: 10d8 damage.

9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage.

Purification Chant (7th Level+)

Ranged spell; Daily

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD

Hit: 2d6 x 10 + Wisdom psychic damage, and you and each of your nearby allies can roll a save with a +5 bonus against any save ends effect created by the target.

Miss: Half damage, and you and 1d3 of your nearby allies can each roll a save against any save ends effect created by the target.

9th level spell: 2d10 x 10 damage.

Warrior Druid

Choose one of the following benefits at first level. You gain a second benefit at 5th level, and a third at 8th.

  • You don’t take opportunity attacks from enemies engaged with you when you cast ranged druid spells.
  • Your base hit points are 7 + CON mod instead of 6 + CON mod.
  • You can use one-handed 1d8 martial weapons without taking the –2 attack penalty that other druids suffer.
  • You can use 1d8 longbows without taking the –2 attack penalty that other druids suffer, and you can trigger your flexible attacks with ranged attacks.
  • You can use a shield (in human form) without taking an attack penalty like other druids.
  • Your base PD is 12 instead of 11.
  • If you’re also a Shifter, you can use your Warrior Druid flexible attacks with the second attack of your beast form attack (without this ability, you can only use it on the first one).

Adventurer Feat: Choose another Warrior Druid benefit.

Flexible Attacks

Like the fighter class, you gain access to flexible attacks when you make basic melee attacks during your turn. Roll your attack, then choose one of the flexible attacks you know that can be triggered by your natural attack roll. Unlike the fighter, you can usually use each of your flexible attacks only once per battle.

Your flexible attack use a spell slot each.

Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, you can make a flexible attack with a basic melee attack when you'd normally not be able to (such as when it's not your turn, or when you are hampered).

Champion Feat: Choose a fighter maneuver of up to two levels below your class level. You learn this maneuver as a druid flexible attack.

Ancestral Guidance

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll

Effect: Deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th), hit or miss. You also regain all the once-per-battle flexible attacks you have expended this battle.

Adventurer Feat: Once per battle when you make an attack against AC, you can instead make that attack against the target’s MD as the spirits guide your strike.

Champion Feat: When you use this flexible attack, you can roll a save against a save ends effect.

Beast Spirits

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 19+, or Natural 18+ if you have the Shifter talent

Effect: Grant yourself or a nearby ally one of the four benefits below until the end of the battle.

Behemoth’s Endurance: +2 to PD and temporary hit points equal to your level + Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level, x3 at 8th).

Bull’s Strength: +1 bonus to melee attacks.

Cat’s Grace: +1 bonus to AC.

Owl’s Wisdom: +2 bonus to MD and a +1 bonus to saves.

Champion Feat: Increase the PD bonus of Behemoth's Endurance to +4; increase the attack bonus of Bull's Strength to +2; add a +2 bonus to disengage checks and Dexterity skill checks to Cat's Grace; and increase the bonuses of Owl's Wisdom to +4 MD and +2 to saves.

Elemental Pivot

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 18+

Effect: During your next turn, you can cast an Elemental Caster’s at-will spell of your choice as a quick action, even if you don’t normally know that spell.

Adventurer Feat: If you also have the Elemental Caster talent, you gain a +2 attack bonus with that spell.

Champion Feat: Any other Elemental Caster spell you cast during your next turn also gains a +2 attack bonus.


Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 18+

Effect: You gain a +4 bonus to AC until an attack against AC misses you.

Adventurer Feat: If you are using a shield, this flexible attack instead triggers on a natural 16+.

Champion Feat: The bonus now also applies to PD (and attacks against PD that miss).

Epic Feat: You now gain a +6 AC bonus instead of +4.

Invoke the Storm

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 5, 10, 15, or 20

Effect: Deal 1d3 x 5 lightning damage to a different nearby enemy.

3rd level: 1d4 x 5 damage.

5th level: 1d6 x 5 damage.

7th level: 1d8 x 5 damage.

9th level: 1d10 x 5 damage.

Champion Feat: Use the higher of your roll or the escalation die.

Epic Feat: Add the escalation die to your roll instead.

Nature’s Fury

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 2–5

Effect: The triggering attack deals half damage (of a hit).

Adventurer Feat: Any allies engaged with the target can pop free from it if they wish.

Champion Feat: The flexible attack now also triggers on a natural odd miss.

Red Claw

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Any natural odd roll

Effect: Until the end of the battle, your animal companion gains a +1 bonus to attack. If you use this flexible attack multiple times in the battle (with Ancestral Guidance), the bonuses stack.

Adventurer Feat: Your animal companion’s critical threat range also expands by 2.

Champion Feat: The attack bonus is now +2 instead of +1.

Epic Feat: Your animal companion also heals hit points equal to triple your Strength or Dexterity modifier.


Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 1–5

Effect: You gain 5 temporary hit points (5th level: 10; 8th level: 15) and resist damage 12+ against attacks that target AC until two attacks against you have had their damage halved from that resistance.

Adventurer Feat: The damage resistance also applies to attacks that target PD.

Champion Feat: Increase the damage resistance to 14+.

Epic Feat: Increase the damage resistance to 16+.


Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 13

Effect: If the target isn’t staggered after the attack, the attack is a critical hit. If the target is staggered after the attack, you can heal using a recovery and the target is stuck until the end of its next turn.

Adventurer Feat: This flexible attack now also triggers on a natural 3.

Champion Feat: The stuck effect is now save ends.

Epic Feat: This flexible attack now also triggers on a natural 17.

Spirits of the Land

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 18+

Effect: During your next turn, you can cast a Terrain Caster at-will feat spell of your choice once as a quick action, even if you don’t normally know that spell. The spell must match a type of terrain you are in.

Adventurer Feat: If you also have the Terrain Caster talent, you gain a +2 attack bonus with that spell.

Champion Feat: Any other Terrain Caster spell you cast during your next turn also gains a +2 attack bonus.

Strength of Earth

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural even roll

Effect: Each enemy engaged with you can’t attempt to disengage (save ends). They can still move away and take opportunity attacks, if they wish.

Warrior’s Blessing

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Any natural even roll

Effect: You heal hit points equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th level).

Adventurer Feat: Add 1d6 to the healing provided by this flexible attack.

Champion Feat: One nearby ally also gains the same amount of healing that you do from this flexible attack.

Epic Feat: Add 4d10 instead of 1d6 to the healing provided by this flexible attack, and you can use warrior’s blessing twice per battle.

Wild Harmony

Flexible melee attack; Once-per battle

Triggering Roll: Natural 16+

Effect: If you cast a regeneration or greater regeneration spell before the start of your next turn, the target adds your Wisdom modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to the healing they gain from their first recovery roll (not subsequent rolls).

Adventurer Feat: The target now adds the healing bonus to each recovery roll from that spell.

Champion Feat: This flexible attack now also triggers on any natural even roll.

Epic Feat: When this flexible attack triggers, you or one nearby conscious ally heal hit points equal to double your Wisdom modifier.

Wild Healer

Adventurer Feat: You can take Wild Healer spells twice at full heal-up to get an extra use. For example, if you take Regeneration twice, you can cast it twice per battle.

Epic Feat: Once per day as a free action, when a target of one of your regeneration spells (or greater regeneration) fails the save to continue its regeneration, the target succeeds instead.

1st Level Wild Healer Spells


Close-quarters spell; once per battle; Quick action

Target: You or one nearby ally

Effect: The target heals using a recovery, rolling recovery dice as normal, but heals only half (rounding down) the amount of healing rolled.

At the start of the target’s next turn, the target heals using a free recovery, but heals only half (rounding down) the amount rolled—the first recovery spent continues to fuel the regeneration effect.

After the target heals this second time, it rolls a normal save to see if the regeneration spell will continue. If the save fails, the regeneration spell ends. If the save succeeds, the regeneration spell continues and the target will heal using a free recovery for half hit points again at the start of its next turn, and then roll another save to see if the regeneration continues, and so on.

Special: The save to continue the regeneration effect becomes a hard save (16+) if the target is at maximum hit points or if the target has dropped to 0 hit points or below while the regeneration is in effect.

Special: You can only have one regeneration or greater regeneration spell on you at a time. A second spell cast on you cancels the first.

Wild Heal

Close-quarters spell; Once per battle; Quick action

Target: You or one nearby ally, and one randomly chosen nearby ally that has taken damage

Effect: Each target heals using one of its recoveries.

3rd Level Wild Healer Spells

Greater Regeneration

Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick action

Target: You or one nearby ally

Effect: The target heals using two recoveries but only rolls recovery dice as if it had used a single recovery.

At the start of the target’s next turn, the target heals using a free recovery—the two recoveries spent continue to fuel the greater regeneration effect.

After the target heals this second time, it rolls a normal save to see if the greater regeneration spell will continue. If the save fails, the greater regeneration spell ends. If the save succeeds, the greater regeneration spell continues and the target will heal using a free recovery again at the start of its next turn, and then roll another save to see if the regeneration continues, and so on.

Special: The save to continue the regeneration effect becomes a hard save (16+) if the target is at maximum hit points or if the target has dropped to 0 hit points or below while the greater regeneration is in effect.

Special: You can only have one regeneration or greater regeneration spell on you at a time. A second spell cast on you cancels the first.


Quick summary:

  • Druids now have one pool of spell slots that is shared across all talents, including Warrior Druid, Animal Companion and Shifter.
  • Elemental Casters and Terrain Casters no longer have feats to get extra spells. You simply get more spell slots by default. At-will spells take a normal spell slot as in other classes.
  • Shifters Beast Aspects also use spell slots from your pool. You must use an aspect to get into beast form (so if you slot in 4 aspects, you can shift every battle before the next full heal-up). Your base shift is the initiate effect.
  • You choose three talents. If you want to focus on a particular talent, use more of your spell slots on it. There is no need to take a talent twice (as with the default adept).
  • You can call your animal companion 1/day per spell slot you spend on animal companion spells.
  • All druids get base AC 12, even without the Warrior Druid talent (so getting in melee is less of a suicide)
  • The changes are only to the overall structure, talents and feats. The spells, aspects, maneuvers etc. themselves are unchanged.
  • This document currently doesn't include homebrew talents or spells, but I might add some later.
  • Change the beast form shift to at-will, but to balance this, change beast form attack to provide the TWF benefit (reroll natural 2) only, instead of rerolling any miss. Move the "reroll any miss" to the tiger aspect.

Possible Additional Changes (not implemented yet)

  • Add more spells and powers to all talents.
  • Make the warrior flexible attack triggers more generous (Even / odd hit / miss).
  • Make warrior flexible attacks at-will (this might require nerfing).
  • ...

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  • Guest - 13thFan

    Very interesting, the base druid, while playable, could use a bit of help, and this design preserves its flexibility without making it capable of overshadowing the entire party.

    That said, while I guess the generous spell allowance (5 slots at 1st level, up to 12 at 10th, the wizard's progression, also, is the delayed access to 5th (and later) level spells by design or a typo?), was chosen to allow a druid to actually, you know, get to use all of its toys, I get the strong impression that it makes the class sort of overshadow the wizard: better base AC, option for a much better recovery die, option for a competent melee attack, great summons... basically the only thing that is hard to reproduce is the evocation wizard's insane potential for damage output ('tough that is a whole 'nother kettle of fish).

    If I were to allow this version of the druid at my table, I would probably ask the player to use the sorcerer's spell progression table (or possibly even the cleric's, though they get heal for free while the druid doesn't, so the sorcerer is probably a better option), which, while still "caster-grade", does account for the fact that the class is capable (and expected) to do things other than cast spells.
    In the sorcerer's case their table is (I'm guessing the design intent here) worse than the wizard's because they can sort of milk spell slots with gather power and their breath spells, but the net effect with this druid is similar: summons and the animal companion last a whole battle (and note that in this druid you could potentially have both in each battle, and spells to spare at higher levels!), as does Beast Form, and flexible attacks can refresh (via Ancestral Guidance), so the class hardly needs this much help.

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