
Psion (MK)

Written by Martin K.

DarkPacts Digital 818This class and 5 others are now available in a playtested, balanced, edited, layouted and illustrated version in my 13th Age expansion book Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets.

Psions wield supernatural powers that bend and shape reality, entirely with the power of their own mind. ese powers are separated into six disciplines: Clairsentience is the ability to perceive things, transcending both space and time. Metacreation is the power to create physical objects out of ectoplasm. Energenesis allows you to create and control forces, energies, and elements. With the psychometabolism discipline, you can change your own body. Psychoportation is the ability to move things. Telepathy is control over the weaker minds around you.

Play Style: The psion is a flexible, but also complex class, aimed at players who enjoy really digging into the available options and coming up with something unique. Depending on how you choose your talents and powers, your role can vary between ranged artillery, support, control, and even frontline melee. Each of your powers has a baseline cost, but you can invest more to augment the effect in di erent ways. This requires some strategic thinking. Do you go all out and blow up the zombies at the crypt entrance in one massive hit? Or do you let the fighters handle that and keep your reserves for whatever is lurking below?

If you are unsure how to approach building your psion, choose one or two of the talents that specialize in a discipline (Blaster, Egoist, Nomad, Seer, Shaper, Telepath). Look through the powers available for these disciplines, then choose other talents that match your intended style.

Ability Scores: Psionics are driven by your innate mental capability, which is represented by Intelligence. In addition, each discipline is linked to one of your ability scores: Energenesis to Strength, Psychoportation to Dexterity, Psychometabolism to Constitution, Metacreation to Intelligence, Clairsentience to Wisdom, and Telepathy to Charisma. Match your ability scores to the disciplines you plan to focus on.

Psions gain a +2 bonus to any ability score, as long as it is not the same as your racial bonus.

Setting considerations: Some fantasy settings have an established place for psionics. However, that is not the case in the setting of the 13th Age Roleplaying Game, which gives the GM and the psion player broad creative license to fill in the blanks, especially when it comes to races and icons. Psionics always had a more pulp or science fiction avor to them, unlike the “native to fantasy” divine and arcane powers. If you include psionics in your campaign, ask yourself whether you want to play up or tone down this theme. To underline strangeness, keep psionics at the fringes, with aberrations and mysterious visitors from other planes. Or decide that the psion PC is a unique occurrence in his or her age, similar to the occultist class. You could add a cataclysmic event that awakened his or her latent powers, which leaves it open as to whether others were affected, too. In a more kitchen sink setting, psionics could be out in the open, seen as an eccentric avor of sorcery. There could even be psionic guild halls that offer their services.

Races: In most settings, psionics are rare but can manifest in any race. However, feel free to play with that assumption in your campaign. What if psionics were almost exclusively dwarven, practiced by an ostracized sect in a secluded monastery to counter- balance the arcane might of the elves? Different races could focus on different disciplines, with half-orcs as masters of psychometabolism, the art that originally created them. Halflings are widely mistrusted as masters of telepathy. You could also work a little homebrew magic to bring in one of the psionic races that is found in other fantasy RPG publications.

Backgrounds: A slave in shattered chains has discovered his psionic powers in dire circumstances; a carnie trickster uses them for entertainment; an enlightened princess comes from a royal line which secures its position through psionic powers (openly or secretly); an ascetic hermit has chosen a path of physical deprivation to strengthen his mental powers.

Icons: While the Core Book has icons connected to divine and arcane powers, there are none for psionics. To connect a psion PC to the greater political machinations of your game world, you can either add a new icon as a patron of psionic powers, or change an existing one. The patron icon doesn’t have to be a replacement for one of the 13, it can be a past icon keen on a comeback, like this:

According to legend, the Pharaoh, the ruler of a great kingdom to the south of the Red Wastes in the 11th Age, forged a bond with a planar entity that granted him mental powers that rivaled any wizard or cleric. He taught these secrets to a hidden cabal, that stretched its influence toward the north. His mummified body is entombed in a great pyramid, ready to rise again. In this setting, the Emperor would be quite suspicious of psions as he fears the comeback of an old rival.

If you decide to adapt an existing icon instead, the Shadow Prince is a prime candidate, especially if psionic powers are a well-kept secret. If you like the flavor of psionic gem dragons, you can change The Three to The Ruby, The Sapphire and The Onyx (while the Emerald is imprisoned by the elves and the Quartz was killed by the Lich King). Or do you prefer the Great Gold Wyrm as The Amber? What if the Emperor was a potent psion? Is he the leader, or the tool, of a secretive cabal who control the minds of the citizens with telepathy, and extend their lives with psychometabolism? Is that how they keep the Lich King locked up in Necropolis? How would a psionic Dwarf King, Elf Queen, or Orc Lord reshape the culture of their race?


A psion's powers are all in his mind and don't require much equipment. If psionics are well-known and respected, psions will dress in garish gear adorned with crystals, pyramids and eye symbols. They tend to wear elaborate headpieces like tiaras and turbans. If, on the other hand, psionics are unknown or even persecuted, a psion will more likely try to pass off as a commoner or a mage.

In your pockets, you start with 25 gp. You could also roll 1d6 x 10 gp, if you're the gambling sort.


While psionic powers aren't hindered by armor directly, carrying heavy loads all day tires the body, which also tires the mind. Therefore psions usually rely on their powers to protect themselves from harm instead.


Psion Armor and AC
Type Base AC Attack Penalty
None 10 -
Light 10 -
Heavy 11 -2
Shield +1 -2


Why bother with weapon training when you can just crush your foe's mind from a safe distance, or even better, convince him not to attack in the first place? With the power to kill things with their brain, few psions see the need to train with weapons. At best, they are able to hold enemies at bay with a knife or a staff. Those who prefer to be prepared for melee combat often learn the Psionic Weapon and Psionic Armor powers.

Psion Melee Weapons
Size One-Handed Two-Handed
Small 1d4 knife 1d6 staff
Light or Simple 1d6 short sword, rapier 1d8 (-2) spear
Heavy or Martial 1d8 (-2) longsword, scimitar 1d10 (-3) greatsword
Psion Ranged Weapons
Size Thrown Crossbow Bow
Small 1d4 dagger 1d4 hand crossbow -
Light or Simple 1d6 (-1) javelin, axe 1d6 light crossbow 1d6 shortbow
Heavy - 1d8 (-2) heavy crossbow 1d8 (-3) longbow

Basic Attacks

Melee Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Strength OR Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: Weapon + Strength damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: Weapon + Dexterity damage

Miss: -

Psion Level Progression

Psions gain 3 talents at first level. They do not gain additional talents as they level up.

Total Hit Points Total Feats Power Points Powers known Level-up Ability Bonuses Damage Bonus from Ability Score
Level 1 multiclass Half of both classes As 1st level PC 4 4 Not affected ability modifier
Level 1 (6 + CON mod) x 3 1 adventurer 5 5   ability modifier
Level 2 (6 + CON mod) x 4 2 adventurer 6 6   ability modifier
Level 3 (6 + CON mod) x 5 3 adventurer 7 7   ability modifier
Level 4 (6 + CON mod) x 6 4 adventurer 8 8 +1 to 3 abilities ability modifier
Level 5 (6 + CON mod) x 8 4 adventurer 1 champion 10 9   2 x ability modifier
Level 6 (6 + CON mod) x 10 4 adventurer 2 champion 12 10   2 x ability modifier
Level 7 (6 + CON mod) x 12 4 adventurer 3 champion 14 10 +1 to 3 abilities 2 x ability modifier
Level 8 (6 + CON mod) x 16 4 adventurer 3 champion 1 epic 16 11   3 x ability modifier
Level 9 (6 + CON mod) x 20 4 adventurer 3 champion 2 epic 18 11   3 x ability modifier
Level 10 (6 + CON mod) x 24 4 adventurer 3 champion 3 epic 20 12 +1 to 3 abilities 3 x ability modifier

Psion Stats

Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Feats, and some Talents are level dependent.

Ability Bonus +2 to any ability score (different from racial bonus)
Initiative Dex mod + Level
Armor Class (no armor) 10 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense 10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense 12 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points (6 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart)
Recoveries (probably) 8
Recovery Dice (1d6 x Level) + Con mod
Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background
Icon Relationships 3 points (4 at 5th level, 5 at 8th)
Talents 3
Feats 1 per level

Class Features

Psionic Powers

Psions start with six minor powers, one for each discipline, and five 1st-level powers of their choice. As you level, you learn more powers as indicated by the level progression table. Since psionic powers are powers, not spells, you can only switch them out when you gain a level. You can manifest your psionic powers at-will. However, manifesting a power is mentally taxing, which is represented by a limited resource called psionic power points (PP). You start with five power points and gain more as per the level progression table. You regain all power points on a full heal-up. With the Psionic Meditation class feature, you also regain a power point (per tier) when taking a quick rest.

Manifesting Powers and PP Cost

  • Each power has a fixed base power point cost that you pay for manifesting it.
  • You can take a talent to reduce the base cost of powers of a specific discipline by 1. This can reduce the base cost of a power to zero, which effectively makes it the equivalent of an at-will spell in a classes like the wizard.
  • Most powers also have Augmentation effects. You can add these effects to the power by spending additional PP when you manifest it. Some augmentations allow you to choose how many PP you want to spend on them, for a weaker or stronger effect.
  • You can use multiple augmentations at the same time, as long as you have enough PP to pay for them.
  • When an augmentation is a sub-entry under a hit, you can decide you augment the power after you know whether it was a hit or miss.
  • Some augmentations are unlocked by taking a feat.

Multi-discipline Powers

Some powers are multi-discipline. When you manifest these powers, choose one discipline — the power counts as a power of that discipline. Some of these have a variable effect based on the power you choose.

Spending PP to Boost a Roll

Some talents and feats unlock ways to spend PP when making a die roll, such as a skill check or a save, usually to gain a 1d6 bonus to the roll. Doing so is a free action that does not count as manifesting a power. You can decide whether you want to spend the PP after making the roll.

Psionic Meditation

During a short rest, you can enter a meditative state that allows you to regain one psychic power point (2 at 5th level, 3 at 8th).

Class Talents


It is your calling to use your gifts to the benefit of others.

When you augment a power to target an ally instead of yourself, or in addition to yourself, reduce the cost of the augmentation by 1 PP (usually from 1 to 0).

Adventurer feat: If the escalation die is 2+, you can add a small additional effect to the power, such as healing 1 hp per level or giving a +1 bonus to the next saving throw.

Champion feat: Instead of reducing the augmentation cost, you can pay it and target both yourself and the ally with the power as a benefit.

Epic feat: When a nearby ally makes a skill check, you can expend 1 PP to grant them a 1d6 bonus to the roll.


You specialize in the energenesis discipline. These powers manipulate and transform raw elemental energy to blast your enemies with devastating attacks.

Reduce the base cost of manifesting energenesis powers by one PP. When you make a Strength-based skill check, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Adventurer feat: When you hit with a weapon or an unarmed attack, you can spend 1 PP to deal 1d6 extra fire, lightning, or force damage (2d6 at 5th level; 3d6 at 8th).

Champion feat: Reroll any natural 1s on the damage dice of energenesis powers.

Epic feat: Once per battle, you can spend 2 PP to deal maximum damage when you hit with an energenesis power.


You specialize in the psychometabolism discipline. Your powers alter your own body, or that of creatures near you. You can both heal and transform yourself into a fearsome fighter.

Reduce the base cost of manifesting psychometabolism powers by one PP. When you make a Constitution-based skill check, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Adventurer feat: When you spend a recovery to heal, you can expend 1 PP to heal 1d6 extra hp (2d6 at 5th level; 3d6 at 8th level).

Champion feat: When you make a save against the hampered, stuck, vulnerable, or weakened conditions, or against ongoing damage, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Epic feat: When you make a death save, you can spend 1 PP to gain a 1d6 bonus to the roll.


In a world that does not appreciate your gift, you learned to stay hidden and strike from the shadows.

You can take a standard action to expend 1 PP and make yourself invisible. You can do this in or out of combat. The invisibility fools lesser minds, but enemies with an MD of 10 + your level or higher can save against the effect. Enemies get a save each time they have a reason to suspect something, such as when you make noise or move items. The invisibility ends when you make an attack, manifest a power, or do something else that is ridiculously flashy.

When the escalation die is 1+ and you attack an enemy from the cover of invisibility, you deal double damage.

Adventurer feat: Enemies must have an MD of 12 + your level to be able to save against your invisibility.

Champion feat: You can cover allies in your invisibility by expending 2 PP per ally. They don’t get the double damage.

Mental Marksman

You target your powers with the precision of a sharpshooter.

As a quick action, you can spend 1 PP to aim at an enemy. If the enemy is nearby, you get a +2 bonus to your next attack against the enemy that turn. If the enemy is far away, you can use a ranged power against it that only targets nearby enemies.

Adventurer feat: You gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range with the aimed attack.

Champion feat: Once per battle, you can use the aim to make a stunt shot with a psionic power without an attack penalty. For example, you could rip a ring off an enemy’s nger with psychoportation.

Epic feat: You can spend 2 PP instead for a +3 to attack and +3 to critical threat range.

Martial Mind

Your psionic gift enhanced your movements and hand-eye coordination.

Increase your light armored base AC, as well as your base PD, to 11. You can use any melee or ranged weapon without attack penalty.

Adventurer feat: When you roll initiative, you can spend 1 PP to gain a 1d6 bonus to the roll.

Champion feat: Once per round, you can spend 1 PP to add 1d6 to AC or PD against an enemy attack.

Epic feat: Increase your light armored base AC to 12.


You focus on psychoportation powers, which can propel or displace objects in space and time.

Reduce the base cost of manifesting psychoportation powers by one PP.

When you make a Dexterity-based skill check, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Adventurer feat: When you make a disengage check, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Champion feat: When a psychoportation power allows you to move (fly, teleport . . .) to a nearby location, you can expend 1 PP to move to a far away location instead.

Epic feat: When you manifest a psychoportation power, you can spend 1 PP to add another target.


You specialize in the clairsentience discipline to gather power through knowledge and glimpses of the future.

Reduce the base cost of manifesting clairsentience powers by one PP.

When you make a Wisdom-based skill check, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Adventurer feat: When you expend 1 PP to gain a bonus to a Wisdom check, you retain that bonus until the end of the scene.

Champion feat: You can always act during surprise rounds.

Epic feat: Once per battle, you can expend 1 PP to manifest a clairsentience power as a quick action.


You sacrifice your physical health to regain mental strength.

When you meditate during a quick rest, you can spend a recovery without healing to regain an additional 1d4 PP. At 5th level, roll 1d6; at 8th level, roll 1d8.

Adventurer feat: If you have zero PP left, roll two dice.

Champion feat: You can use this talent during combat when you rally. Spend a recovery, but instead of regaining hit points, regain power points.

Epic feat: When you spend a recovery to heal, you regain one power point.


You specialize in the metacreation discipline to shape the world according to your imagination. You create objects from raw ectoplasm, and you can even make armor, weapons, and animated constructs to do battle at your command.

Reduce the base cost of manifesting metacreation powers by one PP. When you make an Intelligence-based skill check, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Adventurer feat: When something you create with a metacreation power takes damage, reduce that damage by your level.

Champion feat: Whenever you deal damage with a metacreation power, including a summoned creation, reroll any natural 1s on the damage dice.

Epic feat: When something you create with a metacreation power makes an attack, you can spend 1 PP to add 1d6 to the roll.


Your discipline of choice is telepathy, to allow mental contact and control of other sentient creatures. You are the master of powers that deceive or destroy the minds of your enemies.

Reduce the base cost of manifesting telepathy powers by one PP. When you make a Charisma-based skill check, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Adventurer feat: When an enemy makes a save against your telepathy powers, you can expend 1 PP to give the enemy a 1d6 penalty to the roll.

Champion feat: When you save against the dazed, stunned, or confused conditions, or ongoing psychic damage, you can expend a power point to add 1d6 to the roll.

Epic feat: When you make an attack against the PD or AC of an enemy, you can expend 1 PP to attack MD instead.


You tap into your emotions to unlock and unleash your innate psionic power. While you set free your hidden reserves, you also create unforeseen effects, as emotions are unstable and unpredictable.

Once per battle, you can use a standard action to gain temporary power points equal to the escalation die. You can use these power points like normal power points, but any unused points go away at the end of your next turn.

When you use this talent, roll on the High Weirdness table, like a chaos mage (13 True Ways p.18).

Adventurer feat: Roll twice on the High Weirdness table and choose the result you like.

Champion Feat: Gain power points equal to the escalation die +1.

Epic Feat: Gain power points equal to the escalation die plus 1d4.

Psionic Powers

Minor Powers

All Psions can use the following minor powers.

Body Modification (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Effect: You change one minor detail about your body, such as your hair length, the hue of your skin, or the color of your eyes. You can create slightly unnatural effects, such as blue hair or tattoos. The effect is permanent. You can remove scars and heal minor injuries that did not cause you to lose more than 1 hit point at once.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can affect a willing creature you touch.

Adventurer feat: Augmentation (2 PP) You can change your entire physical appearance, even race and gender, as long as weight and body shape stay roughly the same.

Locate Presence (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Effect: Specify an object, a substance, or creature, such as gold coins, water, or orcs. If what you are looking for is somewhere in the immediate surroundings, roughly as far as you can shoot an arrow, you sense the general direction where you can find it.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can also specify a person or object that you are familiar with, such as the rogue you are traveling with, or your purse.

Adventurer feat: You gain a rough sense of the strength of the presence, say whether it’s just one orc, or an army.

Mind Link (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One nearby willing creature you can see

Effect: You establish a telepathic communication link with the target that conveys the meaning of each other’s words and gestures, even if you don’t understand each other’s language.

Augmentation: (1 PP) The mind link persists for up to 1d6 x 10 minutes after you break eye contact, up to about a mile distance..

Adventurer feat: Augmentation (2 PP) You can reestablish the mind link with someone you had a link to in the past, as long as the target is roughly within a mile distance.

Minor Creation (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Effect: You create a small physical item. The object has to be from a single material. The item is clearly unnatural, and loses its shape to become a small puddle of ectoplasm after a 1d6 x 10 minutes.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Create a larger object, such as a sword or a robe.

Adventurer feat: The item appears natural to the untrained eye.

Minor Manifestation (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Effect: You can manifest small amounts of energy at will, to create a flash of colors, light a fire, or deliver a small shock.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can create a persistent light source for up to 1d6 x 10 minutes. (2 PP) Create a campfire that lasts an entire night.

Adventurer feat: You can create one manifestation per Intelligence modifier at once.

Minor Telekinesis (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Effect: You move an object while you concentrate on it, with about as much strength as your own hand. If you attempt to perform fine manipulation, such as moving the bolts in a lock, make a Dexterity skill check to see how precise you are. This power is not strong enough to yank away objects that are nailed down or held by other people.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can move objects of roughly your own size or weight, albeit slowly.

Adventurer feat: Augmentation (1 PP) Move a number of items equal to your Dexterity modi er at once.

1st Level Powers

Accelerated Healing (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: You

Effect: You heal using a recovery.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead. (1–5 PP) Heal an additional recovery die per PP.

Champion feat: Heal with 2 additional recovery dice per PP when augmenting.

Epic feat: Heal with 3 additional recovery dice per PP when augmenting.

Animated Helper (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: You

Effect: You create a small construct that can help you with your daily chores. It won’t be much help in combat, but it can fetch and carry items. It understands your commands, but it can’t speak. The construct stays animated for 1d6 hours. You can extend the duration for another 1d6 hours by spending 1 PP.

Adventurer feat: Give your construct one bonus ability, such as speaking or flying. Refer to the Wizard’s Familiar talent for a list of examples.

Crackling Discharge (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Special: If the target is wearing metal armor, it is vulnerable to the attack

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 2d4 + Strength + Intelligence lightning damage.

Natural even hit: You can augment the power for 1 PP to make a second attack against a different nearby enemy. If that attack is also a natural even hit, you can augment again.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

3rd level power: 4d4 damage.

5th level power: 5d4 damage.

7th level power: 1d4 x 10 damage.

9th level power: 1d4 x 15 damage.

Adventurer feat: You can target far away enemies at a -2 penalty to hit.

Champion feat: Augmentation (2 PP) Deal double damage (half lightning, half thunder).

Epic Feat: You can augment the power for a second attack on a natural even miss too.

Crystal Shards (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: Up to two nearby enemies in a group

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Target one additional enemy per PP.

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence damage.

3rd level power: 1d8 damage.

5th level power: 2d8 damage.

7th level power: 3d8 damage.

9th level power: 5d8 damage.

Miss: --

Adventurer feat: You don’t provoke opportunity attacks with this power.

Champion feat: On a natural even hit, increase the damage dice to d10.

Epic feat: Deal half damage to one enemy you missed.

Empty Mind (Telepathy)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick Action

Base cost: 2 PP

Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a +2 bonus to MD.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead. (2 PP) Increase the MD bonus to +4.

Adventurer feat: You can manifest this power as an interrupt action when you are targeted by an attack against MD.

Champion feat: If you are attacked against MD, immediately save against any "save ends" effects of that attack.

Energy Adaptation (Energenesis)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: You or one nearby ally

Effect: Choose cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Gain resist chosen element 12+ until the end of the battle. When you successfully resist damage, deal force damage equal to your level to all enemies you are engaged with.til the end of battle.

3rd level power: resist 14+

5th level power: resist 16+

7th level power: resist 18+

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Add one target per PP. (1–5 PP) Gain resistance to one additional energy type per PP.

Champion feat: You can use this power as an interrupt action when you are targeted by an attack that deals elemental damage.

Epic feat: Deal additional force damage equal to your Constitution modifier (x3) when you resist damage.

Flying Debris (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Dexterity OR Intelligence + Level vs. AC

Hit: If you hurl random sharp or heavy things, deal 2d10 damage (no ability score bonus). If you throw special objects such as vials of poison or globs of lava, the GM will adjust the effect.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

3rd level power: 4d10 damage.

5th level power: 6d10 damage.

7th level power: 9d10 damage.

9th level power: 15d10 damage.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Roll twice to attack and take the better result.

Adventurer feat: Reroll any natural 1s on the damage dice.

Champion feat: If the escalation die is 2+, increase the damage dice to d12s.

Force Punch (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d8 + Strength + Intelligence force damage

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Add 1d8 damage per PP spent.

Miss: Force damage equal to your level

3rd level power: 2d8 damage; +2d8 per PP

5th level power: 3d8 damage; +3d8 per PP

7th level power: 5d8 damage; +4d8 per PP

9th level power: 8d8 damage; +5d8 per PP

Adventurer feat: You don’t provoke opportunity attacks with this power.

Champion feat: Deal half damage on a miss.

Epic Feat: Add 20 extra damage per augmentation PP.

Mind Thrust (Telepathy)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence + Charisma psychic damage.

Augmentation: (1 PP) The target takes a -4 penalty to MD until the end of your next turn. (1 PP) The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. (1 PP) Increase the damage dice to d10s.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

3rd level power: 3d6 damage.

5th level power: 4d6 damage.

7th level power: 6d6 damage.

9th level power: 10d6 damage.

Champion feat: If the target is staggered, choose a 1 PP augmentation for free.

Missive (Telepathy)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One creature within range

Effect: You send a telepathic message of up to ten words to any living creature you know within range, which is roughly a large building or a city block. The target can make a save to block out the message and not hear it.

Missive is strictly a one-way exchange from you to the subject. If you do not share a common language, the subject can still gather rough concepts and emotions, but there is the danger of misunderstanding.

3rd level power: Across an entire city.

5th level power: Between cities near to each other.

7th level power: From any city to any other city, or across a sea.

9th level power: Across worlds and planes.

Augmentation: (1 -5 PP) Send the missive to one extra target per PP.

Adventurer feat: You create a link that allows the target to give an answer.

Champion feat: Add 2 extra targets per PP when augmenting.

Precognition (Clairsentience)

Your mind glimpses at fragments of potential future events—what you see will probably happen if no one takes action to change it.

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: Once before the end of the battle or scene, you can reroll a d20 roll after you learn the result. You must take the second result.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead. (1–5 PP) Gain a +2 bonus to the reroll per PP spent.

Adventurer feat: You can use this power as a free action after you make a d20 roll to reroll the die.

Champion feat: You gain a +2 bonus to melee and ranged attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Prescient Shot (Clairsentience)

Ranged power; At-will

Special: You must wield a ranged weapon to use this power. You can use the weapon without the attack penalty from your class.

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One nearby enemy (or a far away enemy at a -2 penalty to attack)

Attack: Intelligence OR Wisdom + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Intelligence + Wisdom damage

Augmentation: (2 PP) Add 1d8 psychic damage per level.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target MD instead of AC.

Adventurer feat: You don’t take a penalty to attack with ranged weapons, even when not manifesting this power.

Champion Feat: On a natural even hit, gain 1 PP to augment this power for free.

Psionic Armor (Multidiscipline)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 2 PP


Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, and a bonus effect based on your chosen discipline.

(Clairsentience) Evasive Precognition: If an attack against you is an odd miss, you can pop free from the attacker.

(Metacreation) Ecto Shell: You also gain resist acid 12+.

(Energenesis) Force Shield: If an attack by an enemy you are engaged with is an even miss, deal force damage equal to your level.

(Psychoportation) Inertia Field: Also gain the bonus to PD.

(Psychometabolism) Hardened Skin: Treat a critical hit against your AC as a normal hit.

(Telepathy) Non-threatening aura: If you have not shown any aggressive behavior in this scene, enemies who fail a save will mistake you for an innocent bystander.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead. (2 PP) Increase the AC bonus to +4.

Champion feat: Gain the bonus effect of a second discipline.

Epic feat: Increase the AC bonus to +3 (+5 augmented). 

Psionic Weapon (Multidiscipline)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Effect: You create a one-handed melee weapon from in any shape you prefer, such as a sword, hammer, or axe. The weapon has a d6 damage die, and you can wield it using your Intelligence modifier for attack and damage. When you manifest this power, choose a discipline that determines both the nature of your weapon and its bonus ability from the list below. Shapers create physical weapons from ectoplasm; egoists reshape their own hands into metal weapons; blasters create force blades, while telepaths create weapons of pure thought.

(Clairsentience) Cognitive link: You gain a +2 bonus to opportunity attacks.

(Metacreation) Ectoplasmic weapon: On a critical hit, deal 1d10 extra acid damage (2d10 at 5th level, 4d10 at 8th).

(Energenesis) Force blade: The weapon deals force damage. Reroll all natural 1s on the damage dice.

(Psychometabolism) Body Blade. Add your Constitution modifier to damage on a natural even miss (x2 at 5th level, x3 at 8th).

(Psychoportation) Displacer blade: You can use the blade as a thrown weapon.

(Telepathy) Mind blade: The weapon deals psychic damage. Reduce the damage die by one step (to d4) but attack MD instead of AC.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Increase the weapon’s damage dice by one step (usually d8). (1 PP) Choose one: Create a second weapon in your off-hand (reroll natural 2 on attack), or a shield (+1 AC).

Adventurer feat: If you wield a psi crystal with an enchantment bonus, your created weapon gains the attack and damage bonus granted by that crystal.

Champion feat: Gain the bonus effect of a second discipline.

Epic feat: Augmentation (2 PP) Increase the weapon’s damage dice by two steps (usually to d10).

Repair (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One damaged or broken item up to the size of a cup

Effect: You glue the item back together, recreating inorganic material where it is missing.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can target items as large as a humanoid. When you use this power on a construct, such as a forgeborn, the target can use a recovery to heal. If the target doesn’t have recoveries, you can spend a recovery and let the target heal using your recovery roll.

Adventurer feat: Add your Intelligence modifier (x2 at 5th level; x3 at 8th) to hit points regained with this power.

Sixth Sense (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: You

Effect: You perceive a quick vision of the greatest nearby danger. Make a Wisdom check. On a low result, the vision is merely a feeling of unease from a certain direction, where as a really high roll can provide a specific image, such as the location of a trap or the face of a person following you. If you use the power again while near the same danger, don’t roll again. You just receive the same vision as before.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Create an ongoing effect for 1d6 x 10 minutes that warns you of any new danger (2 PP: 1d6 hours).

Adventurer feat: You can concentrate on a specific type of danger, such as traps or monsters.

Speed Burst (Psychoportation)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: You

Effect: Pop free from all enemies OR move to a nearby location.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Epic feat: You can manifest this power as a free action on your turn or an ally’s turn.

Stretchable Form (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: You

Effect: Your body becomes highly flexible. While your overall body mass stays the same, you can stretch to several times your height or squeeze through narrow passages. Sharp objects like daggers and swords hurt you normally, but you have resist blunt impact 16+ against attacks like golem fists and war hammers.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Champion feat: You can manifest this power as a quick action.

Translocation (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby object

Effect: You teleport the object either into your hand or from your hand to a nearby location. If you attempt to teleport an object from another person, for example to disarm them, you must succeed at an attack against Dexterity OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD.

Adventurer feat: You can manifest this power as a quick action.

Withering Limbs (Psychometabolism)

Melee power; At-will

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One enemy

Attack: Constitution OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d8 + Constitution + Intelligence damage

Augmentation: (2 PP) The target is weakened until the end of your next turn.

(4 PP) The target is weakened (save ends).

Miss: Half damage

3rd level power: 2d8 damage.

5th level power: 3d8 damage.

7th level power: 5d8 damage.

9th level power: 8d8 damage.

Champion feat: On a natural even hit, reduce the augmentation cost to weaken until the end of your next turn to zero.

3rd Level Powers

Attraction (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: You plant a compelling attraction in the mind of the subject (save ends). The attraction can be toward a particular person or an object. The subject will take reasonable, but not dangerous or suicidal steps to get close to or find the object of its attraction. “Reasonable” means that, while attracted, the subject doesn’t suffer from blind obsession. If you make the subject attracted to you, you can roll twice on Charisma-based skill checks against it.

Miss: --

Adventurer feat: You can also create the opposite effect and make a person or object completely repugnant to the target.

Champion Feat: Augmentation (1–3 PP) The target takes a -2 penalty to its save per PP.

Betrayal (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: The target makes an attack against its own ally, chosen by you, as a free action, using whichever attack it has available.

Augmentation: (1–3 PP) Give the target a +2 bonus to attack per PP.

Miss: Psychic damage equal to your level

Adventurer feat: The target adds the escalation die to hit.

Champion Feat: On a critical hit, the effect persists a second turn.

Burning Perimeter (Energenesis)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that ends their turn engaged with you takes 2d8 fire damage. At the end of your next turn, and each following turn, you can spend 1 PP to extend the effect for another turn.

5th level power: 3d8 damage

7th level power: 4d8 damage

9th level power: 8d8 damage

Adventurer feat: Increase the damage dice to d10s.

Deceleration (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Dexterity OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). A slowed target takes a -5 penalty to disengage checks, it cannot make more than one attack per turn, and it cannot use interrupt or reaction actions. If the target is a large or huge creature, the save is an easy save (6+).

Miss: --

Augmentation: (2–6 PP) Target one additional enemy per 2 PP.

Adventurer feat: On a miss, the target takes a -5 penalty to disengage checks until the end of its next turn.

Champion Feat: When you target a group of mooks, multiply the number of a ected targets by 3.

Defensive Clarity (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Interrupt action

Trigger: You are hit by an attack.

Base cost: 2 PP

Effect: Roll a d20. If your roll is equal to or higher than the natural attack roll, the attack is a miss.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can manifest this power when a nearby ally is attacked. (1 PP) Add your Wisdom modifier to your d20 roll.

Adventurer feat: Deal your level in psychic damage to the attacker.

Champion Feat: Augmentation (1 PP) Gain a +2 bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.

Defer Fatality (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Interrupt action

Base cost: 2 PP

Trigger: You suffer damage that takes you below zero hp.

Target: You

Effect: You are unconscious, but stabilized. You do not need to roll death saves. Until you are woken up or healed, you are in a state of suspended animation. You do not age, breathe, grow hungry, sleep, or regain power points.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target an ally instead.

Champion feat: You are immune to damage while in suspended animation.

Dimensional Rift (Psychoportation)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Move action

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: You

Effect: Teleport to a nearby location you can see.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Ectoplasmic Turret (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Effect: You create a contraption next to where you stand that can shoot lumps of acidic goo at your enemies. Once per round, as a quick action, you can spend 1–5 PP to make the following attack:

Target: One nearby enemy per PP spent

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d10 acid damage

Enemies can attack the turret to destroy it; they always hit. The turret has 40 hit points.

5th level power: 5d10 damage / 90 hit points.

7th level power: 7d10 damage / 90 hit points.

9th level power:  10d10 damage / 150 hit points.

Champion feat: You can change the turret’s damage to fire.

Epic feat: The turret has a +2 bonus to hit against mooks.

Entangling Ectoplasm (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: Damage equal to your level, and the target is stuck (save ends). If the target is large or huge, the save is an easy save (6+).

Augmentation (2 PP): The target is also hampered (save ends both) (2 PP) Increase the save diffculty by 5.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Adventurer feat: Deal damage equal to twice your level.

Champion feat: Augment (2-6 PP) Target an additional enemy per 2 PP.

Eyes of the Explorer (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: You

Effect: You gain the rogue's Trapsense ability until the next quick rest. If you already have that ability, gain a +2 bonus to all trap-related skill checks and defenses against traps.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Champion Feat: Augmentation (1 PP) The effect lasts until the next full heal-up.

Freeze Ray (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d10 + Intelligence cold damage.

Augmentation: (2 PP) The target is frozen (like stunned: -4 penalty to defenses and can’t take any actions) until the end of its next turn. (5 PP) As above, but (save ends).

Miss: Damage equal to your level

5th level power: 5d10 damage.

7th level power: 7d10 damage.

9th level power: 12d10 damage.

Champion feat: On a natural even hit, reduce the augmentation cost by 1 PP.

Epic feat: On a natural even miss, make a second attack roll against a di erent nearby enemy.

Mental Cleansing (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Targets: You

Effect: Make a save. If the save is against the dazed condition or ongoing psychic damage, add 1d6 to the roll.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can target a nearby ally.

Mind Crack (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: 5d6 + Intelligence psychic damage, and the target is vulnerable to psychic damage (save ends).

Miss: 1d4 psychic damage per level

5th level power: 7d6 damage.

7th level power: 1d6 x 10 damage.

9th level power: 2d6 x 10 damage.

Augmentation: (2 PP) The target is stunned until the end of your next turn. (3 PP) The target is confused until the end of its next turn.

Champion feat: The save against the vulnerability is a hard save (16+).

Object Reading (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One object you touch

Effect: You read the "memory" of the object, accumulated psychic impressions left by their previous owners or by events around it. Each minute that you study the object, you gain a piece of information, which can be an image, a sound, a short scene or a name. You can gain a number of pieces equal to your level, or more with an appropriate skill check.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can use the power on a nearby object, without touching it.

Adventurer feat: When manifesting the power, you gain 1d4 pieces of information immediately.

Pyrokinetic Immolation (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 15 ongoing fire damage

Augmentation: (1-5 PP) plus 5 ongoing damage per PP

Miss: Backlash - you take fire damage equal to your level.

5th level power: 20 ongoing; plus 7 per PP

7th level power: 30 ongoing; plus 10 per PP

9th level power: 50 ongoing; plus 15 per PP

Adventurer feat: On a miss, you can spend 1 PP to avoid the backlash damage.

Champion feat: On a natural 16+ attack roll, gain 1 PP to augment the power for free.

Epic Feat: Augment for 20 ongoing damage per PP.

Sapped Strength (Psychometabolism)

Melee power; At-will

Base cost: 2 PP

Attack: Constitution OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 2d10 + Constitution + Intelligence damage, and the target’s attacks deal half damage (save ends).

Miss: Half damage.

5th level power: 4d10 damage

7th level power: 7d10 damage

9th level power: 10d10 damage

Augmentation: (1–3 PP) Gain a +1 bonus to hit with this power per PP spent.

Champion feat: On a natural even hit, deal 1d10 extra damage (8th level: 2d10).

Sharpen (Metacreation)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick Action

Base cost: 2 PP

Target: A nearby melee or ranged weapon

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the weapon grants its wielder a +2 bonus to its critical threat range.

Augmentation: (2 PP) Increase the bonus to +4.

Champion feat: Augmentation (2–6 PP) Target one additional weapon per 2 PP.

Shattering Touch (Psychoportation)

Melee power; At-will

Base cost: 1 PP

Target: One enemy

Special: If the target is a construct, it is vulnerable to this power.

Attack: Dexterity OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 5d6 + Dexterity + Intelligence damage, and the target pops free from you.

Augmentation: (2 PP) The target is hampered until the end of your next turn.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

5th level power: 7d6 damage

7th level power: 12d6 damage

9th level power: 2d6 x 10 damage

Adventurer feat: On a critical hit, the hampered effect is (save ends).

5th Level Powers

Air Walk (Psychoportation)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, you can hover and levitate in any direction at walking speed. When you don’t have solid ground under your feet, you take a -2 penalty to attacks, and you are vulnerable to attacks.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead. (2 PP) Manifest this power as a quick action.

Champion feat: You no longer take a penalty to attacks, but you are still vulnerable while levitating.

Clairvoyance (Clairsentience)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: Choose a point at a nearby location. You don’t need to be able to see the location, it can be behind a wall. Your field of vision changes as if your eyes were present at the chosen location. You can move the angle of your vision in any direction, but you can’t move from the spot. You can’t manifest other powers while using this one. Creatures at the target location can make a hard save (16+) to notice your scrying.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Choose a far away location. (1–3 PP) Add another sense to the experience per PP spent, such as sound or smell.

Champion feat: You can choose to only project one eye. The split vision can be quite confusing, but at least you are not oblivious to dangers that are right in front of you.

Call Ground Support (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: A nearby ally

Effect: Teleport the ally to engage a nearby enemy, then grant the ally a standard action.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Grant the ally a +2 bonus to attack.

Champion feat: Augmentation (3 PP) You can manifest this power as a quick action.

Combat Sense (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: A nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence OR Wisdom + Level vs. MD

Hit: Ask the GM one question about the target’s combat capabilities per point of Wisdom modifier. The GM will answer in in-game terms, not game mechanics. For example, you could learn that the creature has a deadly poison stinger in its tail, but not how much damage it deals exactly. For one attack this battle, you can use your knowledge to gain a bonus to an attack against the target equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Augmentation: (1–3 PP) Ask an additional question per PP.

Energy Fists (Energenesis)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: You summon fire, force, or lightning energy into your fists. Until the end of the battle, you can make unarmed attacks without penalty using Strength or Intelligence. On a hit, deal 1d10 per level + Strength + Intelligence damage.

Augmentation: (1–3 PP) Your fists deal an extra damage die per PP.

Champion feat: Deal 1d10 (8th level: 2d10) extra energy damage on a miss.

Force Barrier (Energenesis)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Interrupt action

Base cost: 3 PP

Trigger: You are targeted by an attack against AC or PD.

Target: The attacker

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: You take half damage from the attack.

Miss: You take full damage.

Augmentation: (2 PP) Take no damage (or half damage on a miss).

Champion feat: On a hit, deal twice your level in force damage to the attacker.

Iron Body (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a +2 bonus to AC and resist lightning, poison, and weapon damage 16+. Your hands and feet become d10 melee weapons that you can wield without penalty.

Augmentation: (2 PP) Gain resist all damage 16+ instead. (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Champion feat: You are immune to critical hits.

Epic feat: Your unarmed attacks gain a +2 bonus to their critical threat range.

I Was Never Here (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: You remove all memory of yourself from the target’s mind. If you’ve met before, you only erase the most recent encounter. You also cloud the target’s mind for a moment to make your escape.

Miss: The target notices your attempt to mess with its brain.

Champion feat: The target only notices you using psionics on a natural 1 on the attack roll.

Major Creation (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: You create a physical item of up to humanoid size, for example a statue. The item can be of up to three materials, for example glass, wood, and steel, or multiple parts, such as a set of clothing. It lasts for up to 1d6 days, at which point it will dissolve into a puddle of ectoplasm. The GM can require a skill check and additional concentration time to create complex items such as a mechanical clock. You can create valuable materials such as diamonds or gold, just don’t expect a merchant to fall for that trick and buy the item from you.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Create an object up to the size of a carriage or a shed. (1–5 PP) Increase the duration by 1 day per PP.

Mind Probe (Telepathy)

Melee attack power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: Twice your level in psychic damage, and you dig into the memories inside the target’s mind. If you are looking for a specific piece of information, you must succeed at an Intelligence-based skill check. Otherwise, you stumble upon a random memory from the target’s past.

Miss: You read the target’s surface thoughts.

Augmentation: If you can tie the target down to ensure ongoing contact, you can extend the spell for 1 round per PP to probe for an additional piece of memory per turn. The target can save against the spell at the end of each turn.

Epic feat: You can use the spell as a close-quarters spell against a nearby target.

Night Watch (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: You create the hovering image of an eye, which persists until the next morning. If the eye perceives any impending danger, you will receive a vision of what it sees. You receive these visions even while asleep, and you can distinguish them from dreams.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Champion feat: The eye also perceives sound and smell.

Epic feat: You can designate one ally per intelligence modifier to receive the visions.

Null Lance (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 2d12 + Strength + Intelligence force damage

Natural even hit: 1d3 nearby enemies take 4d6 lightning damage.

Natural odd hit: The target can choose to either take 4d6 psychic damage or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

7th level power: 3d12 damage / 6d6 damage

9th level power: 6d12 damage / 12d6 damage

Miss: Half damage

Augmentation: (1-4 PP) +1 to the attack roll per PP.

Champion feat: Attack the lower of the target’s PD or MD.

Polymorph Self (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: You change your body into the shape of a different creature. This is a strenuous process, which requires you to spend a recovery without healing in addition to the PP cost. The power doesn’t just change your outside appearance, you also gain new abilities. Choose the monster writeup of any normal-strength humanoid, beast or giant, of up to your level. You gain its attacks, abilities, defenses, and hit points (but no nastier specials).

The effect lasts until the next full heal-up, or until the hit points of your new form are reduced to zero. When you change back to your original form, you return to the hit points you had when you manifested the power, and take any excess damage from the last hit in your polymorphed form. While polymorphed, you cannot use your race and class features, or your psionic powers. Your equipment does not change with you, and whether you can use it depends on your chosen form. For example, you would need hands to wield a weapon. You must succeed at a Charisma-based skill check to mimic the appearance of a specific individual.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally. The ally pays the recovery. (2 PP) Polymorph into a large / double-strength humanoid, beast or giant. This costs a second recovery. (3 PP) Polymorph into a huge / triple-strength humanoid, beast or giant. This costs a total of 3 recoveries.

Champion feat: Augmentation (2 PP) Polymorph into a creature of any type.

Psionic Panic (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: One nearby enemy with 120 hit points or fewer

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: Psychic damage equal to your level and the target is panicked (save ends). While the target is panicked, roll a d6 at the start of its turn to determine its actions.

  1. Attacks someone who attacked it, at a -4 penalty.
  2. Acts with extreme caution (no attack, +4 to defenses).
  3. Babbles incoherently.
  4. Darts around the battle eld with zero regard for safety (-4 to all defenses).
  5. Flees from the battle as fast as possible.
  6. Attacks its own ally.

Miss: As the target builds up resolve to fight down the panic, it takes a -4 to all defenses, but gains the ability to use the escalation die until the end of your next turn.

7th level power: Target with 200 hp or fewer.

9th level power: Target with 400 hp or fewer.

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Target an enemy with 40 points higher hp total per PP spent (7th level: 60; 9th level: 100).

Champion feat: You can target two enemies or a group of mooks with total hit points up to the limit.

Epic feat: Reduce the manifesting cost by 1 for each panicked enemy on the battlefield.

Regeneration (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You

Effect: Heal using a recovery. Until the end of the battle, heal twice your level in hit points at the start of your turn.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead. (1 PP) Spend an additional recovery to heal. Heal four times your level at the start of your turn.

Champion feat: You can use this power to slowly grow back lost limbs (curse you, owlbears!) or heal similar permanent damage. The healing process requires weeks and several uses of the power.

Wall of Goo (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Effect: You create a wall of greenish dripping ectoplasm across the battlefield. The wall can be crossed as a move action, but any enemy who attempts to do so must succeed at a hard save (16+) or be stuck. The GM can make the save easier for very large or fast monsters.

Augmentation: (1–3 PP) Enemies attempting to cross the wall, and those who are stuck in it at the start of their turn, take acid damage equal to your level per PP spent.

Champion feat: You can concentrate on the wall as a quick action and move it slowly, dragging any stuck enemies with it.

7th Level Powers

Baleful Polymorph (Psychometabolism)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: One nearby enemy with 300 hp or fewer

Attack: Constitution OR Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: You temporarily transform the target into a small, harmless animal, like a bunny or a sheep (save ends). The creature is unable to attack in the new form, although it sometimes retains some abilities. For example, if you target a displacer beast, you could end up with a teleporting bunny. If the creature takes any damage, the power’s effect ends.

9th level power: The cocoon has 150 hit points.

Miss: --

9th level power: Target 600 hp or fewer

Augmentation: (1 - 5 PP) Increase the hit point limit by 50 per PP spent.

Champion Feat: If the target fails three saves in a row, it is stuck in that form for a full day.

Boundless Body (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of battle, you can roll twice on Strength-, Dexterity-, or Constitution-based d20 rolls and take the better result. This includes attack rolls. However, if either of these d20 rolls is a natural 1, you take psychic damage equal to the other d20 roll, you keep the 1 as the result, and this power’s effect ends.

Augmentation: (1 PP) target a nearby ally instead.

Epic feat: An enemy targeting your PD must roll twice and take the lower result.

Boundless Mind (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of battle, you can roll twice on Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based d20 rolls and take the better result. This includes attack rolls. However, if either of these d20 rolls is a natural 1, you take psychic damage equal to the other d20 roll, you keep the 1 as the result, and this power’s effect ends.

Augmentation: (1 PP) target a nearby ally instead.

Epic feat: An enemy targeting your MD must roll twice and take the lower result.

Crystal Cocoon (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: The target is encased in crystal. It is stuck, and cannot make attacks unless those attacks target MD (hard save 16+ ends both). Any attacks against the AC or PD of the target gain a +4 bonus, but the damage is dealt to the cocoon instead. The cocoon has 100 hit points.

9th level power: The cocoon has 150 hit points.

Miss: --

Natural even miss: The target is hampered until the end of its next turn.

9th level power: The cocoon has 180 hit points.

Augmentation: (1 - 5 PP) Increase the cocoon's hit points by 50 per PP spent.

Dimensional Scramble (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity OR Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 10d12 + Dexterity + Intelligence damage, and you teleport the target to a nearby location.

Augmentation: (2 PP) Teleport a second target to where the first target was (if the target is unwilling, this requires a second attack roll).

9th level power: 15d12 damage

Miss: Half damage

Natural even miss: The target is hampered until the end of its next turn.

9th level power: The cocoon has 180 hit points.

Epic Feat: Augmentation (2 PP) You can throw the target into a time vortex that removes it from the battlefield temporarily (save ends).

Ectoplasmic Golem (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Effect: You create an ectoplasmic golem, which you control as per the summoning rules (13 True Ways, page 11). The golem fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first.

Augmentation: (1-5 PP) Your golem has 15 (9th level: 25) additional hit points per PP spent.

Champion Feat: When your golem drops to 0 hp, it explodes and deals 20 (9th level: 40) acid damage to all enemies it was engaged with.

Ectoplasmic Golem

Large Construct; 7th level; Blocker

Initiative: +11

Fist-like blob: +12 vs. AC -- 25 acid damage and the target has a -5 penalty to disengage from the golem until the end of its next turn.

Resist weapon damage 12+ 

Ectoplasmic Golem Level Progression
Level Initiative Attack Damage AC PD MD HP
7 +11 +12 25 24 21 17 60
9 +13 +14 50 26 23 19 100


Energy Leech (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies

Special: If the target has an elemental attack (acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder), you gain a +2 bonus to hit against it.

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 6d8 + Strength + Intelligence negative energy damage, and the target is weakened (save ends). Until the end of the battle, you gain a +1 bonus to your critical threat range with energenesis powers. Multiple uses stack.

Miss: Half damage

9th level power: 10d8 damage

Augmentation: (1 PP) Increase the damage dice to d10.

   (2-6 PP) Target an additional enemy per 2 PP.

Champion feat: On a natural even hit, you can spend a recovery to heal.

Ethereal Form (Psychoportation)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle or scene, you can fly and pass through physical objects at will. You gain resist all damage 12+. While ethereal, you take a -2 penalty to attacks.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead. (1–3 PP) Increase the resistance by 2 per PP.

Flight of Geese (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: You and four nearby allies

Effect: All targets gain the ability to fly at the speed of a bird as long as they stay nearby you. You can keep the power’s effect up as long as you concentrate on it. While concentrating, you cannot manifest other powers. If you take damage while concentrating, you must succeed at a save to retain concentration. When the power’s effect ends, all targets slowly fall to the ground like a feather.

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Add one target per PP.

Form of Doom (Psychometabolism)

You wrench from your subconscious a terrifying visage of deadly hunger and become one with it. You are transformed into a nightmarish version of yourself, complete with an ooze-sleek skin coating, lashing tentacles, and a fright-inducing countenance.

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle, your unarmored base AC increases to 14. You have a fear aura as a monster of your level. The tentacles on your back count as a d6 weapon and allow you to make a basic melee attack as a quick action once per turn.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Giant Crushing Boulder Of Death (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d12 x 10 damage

Miss: Half damage

9th level power: 1d20 x 10 damage

Augmentation: (2 PP) You keep control of the boulder and prevent it from rolling where the pull of gravity would normally take it. You can repeat the attack at the start of your next turn as a quick action. You can keep controlling the boulder as long as you pay 2 PP at the end of your turn.

Champion Feat: If the dice you roll for this power are at least twice as big as the normal dice on the table, you gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range.

Psionic True Seeing (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the scene (or 1d6 x 10 minutes), you gain the ability to see all things as they actually are. You see through normal and magical darkness, notice secret doors hidden by magic, see the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, see invisible creatures or objects normally, see through illusions, and see the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. True seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Grant the effect to a nearby ally instead.

Champion feat: Increase the duration to 1d6 hours.

Pyrokinetic Vengeance (Energenesis)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Special: You can manifest this power as an immediate interrupt when an enemy attack brings you below zero hit points.

Target: 1d3 random nearby enemies

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 2d6 x 10 fire damage.

9th level power: 3d6 x 10 fire damage.

Miss: Repeat the attack once against another random nearby enemy.

Augmentation: (2-6 PP) Target an additional random enemy per 2 PP spent.

Champion feat: When using this power as an interrupt, roll d8 for damage.

Epic feat: If you have no PP left, you can spend a recovery to pay the base cost of this power.

Rage Control (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: Choose a nearby ally or a nearby enemy

When targeting an ally . . .

Effect: The target treats the escalation die as 6 on its next turn.

When targeting an enemy . . .

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: The target cannot benefit from the escalation die (hard save 16+ ends).

Augmentation: (1–3 PP) Add an additional target per PP. You can mix enemies and allies.

Recall Death (Clairsentience)

The fabric of time parts to your will, revealing wounds your foe has received in the past.

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence OR Wisdom + Level vs. MD

Hit: 40 ongoing psychic damage. If the target fails its third save against this power, it dies.

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Increase the ongoing damage by 10 per PP.

Miss: 20 psychic damage.

Augmentation: (1 PP) The save is a hard save (16+).

Epic feat: The target is also dazed (save ends both).

Ultrablast (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 4 PP

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: 10d8 + Intelligence + Charisma psychic damage.

Natural even hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Miss: Half damage

9th level power: 2d8 x 10 damage.

Augmentation: (2-6 PP) Target one additional enemy per 2 PP spent.

Champion feat: Gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range with this power. Shouting “OVER 9000!!!” is optional. Please check whether there is a baby sleeping in the next room first.

9th Level Powers

Avatar of Thunder (Energenesis)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle, you can you can y and hover. Once per round, you can expend 1 PP to make the following attack:

Close-quarters attack; Quick action

Attack: Strength OR Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 1d6 x 10 lightning and 1d4 x 10 thunder damage, and the target pops free from you.

Miss: 10 lightning and 10 thunder damage

Banishment (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Dexterity OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: If the target is from another plane, like a demon, it is sent back to that plane. Other creatures are sent back to the place they have the strongest connection to. For example, a dragon is sent back to its hoard. If the creature is already at that place, the power has no effect.

Miss: The target has resist all 16+ until the end of your next turn while it temporarily shifts in and out of this plane.

Ectoplasmic Suit (Metacreation)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: You

Effect: You create a giant suit of armor that increases your size to large. The suit grants base AC 15 and 100 temporary hit points, and has a Strength of 24. You can kick and smash for a d12 melee attack without penalty. You can pop free from normal-size and smaller enemies when you take a move action. When you are staggered or dropped to zero hp by an attack, the suit is destroyed, otherwise it lasts until the end of the battle.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Epic feat: Augmentation (2 PP) Increase the suit’s stats and bonuses to 17 base AC, 250 temporary hit points and Strength 26.

Enslave (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: One nearby enemy with up to 500 hp

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: You dominate the target (save ends). While the target is dominated, you can give it commands to control its actions during its turn.

Miss: No effect. You don’t need to expend any PP.

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Increase the hp range by 100 per PP.

Epic feat: You can target a group of mooks with a combined hp total equal to the limit or lower.

False Memory (Telepathy)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence OR Charisma + Level vs. MD

Hit: You implant a false memory in the target’s brain. e more time you take to describe the scene, the more vivid and detailed it will be in the target’s memory.

Miss: e target notices your intrusion into its mind. It won’t like it.

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Add an additional memory per PP.

Epic feat: On a miss, the target must succeed on a save to notice the intrusion.

Invulnerability (Psychometabolism)

Close-quarters power; At-will; Quick action

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you are invulnerable to all attacks and powers that target AC or PD. You ignore damage and any harmful (or helpful) effects.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Epic feat: You can manifest this power as an interrupt action when you are attacked.

Omniscience (Clairsentience)

Close-quarters power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: You

Effect: Gain a 6-point background of your choice until the next full heal-up.

Augmentation: (1 PP) Target a nearby ally instead.

Epic feat: Gain an 8-point background instead.

Rain of Destruction (Energenesis)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: A far away area, like a block of houses

Effect: You unleash a primordial chaos of elemental forces, enough to level a small village. Thunderstorms blast across from the sides, while acid rains down from above, and bursts of lava spew up from below. Anyone caught in the area takes 3d6 x 10 damage, unless they succeed at a save to take half damage.

Augmentation: Increase the target area, from a castle (1 PP) to a small town (3 PP), all the way up to a large city (10 PP).

Reality Reconfiguration (Metacreation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: A far away area, like a block of houses

Effect: You twist, mold, and reshape the nearby physical environment in any way you like. You can create bridges, warp tunnels, raise walls, and shoot up pillars. When you manifest this power in combat, the changes are forceful but rough. More finely crafted rearrangements require longer concentration. While this power is not a direct attack, it can be used to put enemies into danger, such as by dropping the bridge they are standing on into the lava beneath. In that case, targets can avoid the danger with a successful save. The effect is not permanent. Reality slowly untwists itself over the next 1d6 days.

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Enemies take a penalty to their save equal to the PP spent.

System Shock (Psychometabolism)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 5 PP

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Constitution OR Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: If the target has 240 hp or fewer, it drops to 0 hp and dies. If it has more than 240 hp, it is weakened and takes 80 ongoing damage (save ends both).

Augmentation: (1–5 PP) Increase the hp range of the kill effect by 60 per PP, and the ongoing damage by 20 per PP.

Miss: 40 damage

Epic feat: Double the effect of each PP spent to augment this power.

Teleport (Psychoportation)

Ranged power; At-will

Base cost: 3 PP

Target: You and four nearby allies

Effect: You teleport the targets to any location in the world that you have previously visited.

When you teleport, roll a d20. If you roll a 1, you miss your desired location and arrive somewhere else altogether. Otherwise, you and your allies arrive at the desired location at the start of your next turn. Any effects of spells, powers or items cast before teleporting are dispelled and no longer function on arrival.

Augmentation: (1 PP) You can teleport to the overworld, underworld, or any other plane you have previously visited.

Epic feat: You can teleport to a location known to one of the targets.



Version 1.00 (published version + errata), 12 Oct, 2017


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  • Hi Martin,

    I bought your book and my friends and I love it!
    We do have some questions though.

    For example, the Psion Progression chart which says "5 powers at lvl 1", but the text at Psionic Powers says: "Psions start with six minor powers, one for each discipline, and three 1st-level powers of their choice".

    So which amount of powers does a Psion get at level 1?

    We also have some other questions about the book, is there a way to PM you?

    Best regards, Hans

    Comment last edited on about 7 years ago by 4UIHV882
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  • The chart is correct - you get 5 powers and 5 power points.
    You can ask questions here or at martin dot killmann at gmail dot com.
    Unfortunately there‘s a few errors that slipped into the final version. I‘m working on an errata document.

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