

Written by Ryven Cedrylle.

The Eldcaller was originally posted on Pelgrane’s Page XX blog in January of 2014. Shortly after, the good folks at Pelgrane decided to not post any more fan classes. Though the decision is a little sad for some of us, the reasons behind it are completely understandable. These classes aren’t playtested and vetted as well, so keeping them off the site preserves the overall quality of the material posted there.

The Eldcaller occupies a sufficiently distinct niche in the pantheon of standard character classes that we hated to see it end on Pelgrane’s site. Thus Casey Peavler (the actual author) made some clarifications, we played several more sessions with it to check on some of the Talents and now here it is for all of you to enjoy in an improved format. Should further revisions be made (as is possible for any class on this site), an update will be noted on the class’ download page.

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Access this URL (edit)edit Ryven Cedrylle0 kB28412014-06-20 01:37

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