

Written by Ryven Cedrylle.

The Theurge was originally posted on the Kobold Press blog in April of 2014 as a crossover from Kobold Press’ New Paths Compendium. Derived from my all-time favorite D&D 3.5 character concept (as if the name of the website wasn’t clue enough), the Theurge seeks to not only break through the traditional ideas of divine and arcane magic in the F20 tradition, but the way magic is viewed and handled mechanically as well.

The Theurge saw a lot of enthusiasm from several quarters of the 13th Age fandom who immediately went to work disassembling, rebuilding and critiquing it (There’s a terrific Warlock written by Brian Rodriguez that builds from the Theurge base, for example). After some lengthy discussions involving both theoretical goals and practical experience, the Theurge has been rebalanced and presented here for all of you to enjoy in an improved format. Should further revisions be made (as is possible for any class on this site), an update will be noted on the class’ download page.

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Access this URL (edit)edit Ryven Cedrylle0 kB26732014-06-20 01:34

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