

Written by Jonathan Roberts.

Most up to date (beta) version ->



6/27/2014 - Massive rewrite on quite a few things. The pacts were overhauled. A few new spells and feats. Talents were rewritten to be better and cooler. 





The warlock is about dishing out large amounts of damage with a side of control with their curses. You pact probably will influence your playstyle more than anything. Star warlocks are very good at controlling their enemies and making make poor actions. Infernal warlocks are all about large amounts of damage. Fae warlocks are elusive and make hitting them very difficult with their teleports.

Warlocks have very little spells compared to other spellcasters and most of them are daily spells, however they make up for this with eldritch bolt shapes which amplify their damage and some of their traits will give you additional options in battle as well.


Ability Scores

Charisma is king for warlocks. You use that for just about everything, attacks, damage, intimidating the poor saps, you know, everything! After charisma comes a bit of choice. Constitution may be good for warlocks who lack hit points and if they are not part of the Fae pact then they have relatively few defensive actions.

Some warlocks who are hexblades also enjoy a high strength, probably more so than their charisma to dish out the heavy damage with brutal melee attacks.

Some pacts also favor certain attributes more than others. The star warlocks like having intelligence to comprehend the outworld, infernal warlocks value strength above all, and the Fae warlocks like being elusive and tricky with dexterity



There are a few natural warlocks, and again is mostly depends on the pact. Tieflings are often infernal pact warlocks given their demonic origins. Elves, half-elves, and sometimes halflings are usually of the Fae pact. Given its difficult nature to comprehend, there are not many star warlocks, but with just the right intelligence (or insanity) anyone could be a star warlock.



Warlocks are often born out of dire situations. Someone needs power, they need something that they cannot obtain and thus turn to powerful entities for strength. Quite a few warlocks are cultists, or maybe children of cultists. A few of them are originally wizards who felt like they needed more power. Hexblades are often fighters who needed more power.



The diabolist is usually a strong choice for warlocks, as she represents those who sacrifice quite a bit to obtain power. The archmage is also a common choice, however it is usually a conflicted choice. The crusader is also a good choice for the same reasons as the diabolist.






Base AC

Attack Penalty


















1d4 Dagger

1d6 club

Light or Simple

1d6 Shortsword

1d8 spear

Heavy or Martial

1d8 (-2 atk) Longsword

1d10 (-2 atk) Greatsword


Ranged Weapons





1d4 Dagger

1d4 Hand crossbow


Light or Simple

1d6 javelin

1d6 (-1 atk) light crossbow

1d6 (-2 atk) shortbow

Heavy or Martial


1d8 (-3 atk) heavy crossbow

1d8 (-4 atk) longbow


Basic Attacks


Melee Attack


Target: One Enemy

Attack: Strength + Level vs AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level


Ranged Attack


Target: One Enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs AC

Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage

Miss: --



Total Hitpoints

Total Feats


1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9

Shapes Known

Level Up Bonus

Level 1

(6 + CON mod) x 3

1 Adventurer

3 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0



Level 2

(6 + CON mod) x 4

2 Adventurer

4 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0



Level 3

(6 + CON mod) x 5

3 Adventurer

1 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0



Level 4

(6 + CON mod) x 6

4 Adventurer

0 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 0


+1 to 3 attributes

Level 5

(6 + CON mod) x 8

4 Adventurer

1 Champion

0 / 2 / 3 / 0 / 0



Level 6

(6 + CON mod) x 10

4 Adventurer

2 Champion

0 / 0 /5 / 0 / 0



Level 7

(6 + CON mod) x 12

4 Adventurer

3 Champion

0 / 0 / 3 / 3 / 0


+1 to 3 attributes

Level 8

(6 + CON mod) x 16

4 Adventurer

3 Champion

1 Epic

0 / 0 / 0 / 6 / 0



Level 9

(6 + CON mod) x 20

4 Adventurer

3 Champion

2 Epic

0 / 0 / 0 / 3 / 4



Level 10

(6 + CON mod) x 24

4 Adventurer

3 Champion

3 Epic

0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 7


+1 to 3 attributes


Ability Bonus:

+2 Charisma or Constitution (different from racial bonus)


Dex mod + Level

Armor Class (light armor)

10 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level

Physical Defense

10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level

Mental Defense

11 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level

Hit Points

(6 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart)



Recovery Dice

(1d6 x Level) + Con mod


8 points, max 5 in any one background

Icon Relationships

3 points




1 per Level


Class Features

Eldritch Bolt

You gain access to the Eldritch Bolt spell


Eldritch Bolt

Ranged Spell

At will

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma modifier + level vs PD

Hit: 1d8 x Level + Charisma modifier damage. The damage type is your primary damage type from your pact.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.


The charisma modifier follows the same rate of increase as other weapon classes (2x at level 5, 3x at level 8)


Adventurer Feat: You can use your pact’s secondary damage type in place of the primary damage type for your Eldritch bolt.


Epic Feat: You gain your pact’s critical hit effect when you roll a 16+ on the die roll.


Warlock Pacts

Pick one of the following pacts.


Infernal Pact

When you get a critical hit with your Eldritch Bolt, you gain a use of empowered Conflagration


Fire is your primary damage type

Negative Energy is your secondary damage type



Once per encounter, as a quick action, your next eldritch bolt will explodes on contact, dealing 1d10 x Level fire damage to 1d3 nearby enemies not including the target you hit. This damage is not multiplied by critical hit damage.

Empowered: Your Conflagration will ignite the primary target on fire dealing twice your level in ongoing damage (11+ save ends).


Adventurer Feat: Once per encounter you can gain your level in temporary hp


Champion Feat: Your Eldritch bolt now uses d12s for damage.


Epic Feat: You eldritch bolt does hellfire damage instead of fire for the purposes of avoiding fire resistance, demons and devils that have resistance to fire still maintain the resistance. In addition, when you use conflagration, the bolt now explodes with hellfire. In addition to taking the hellfire damage, all enemies hit by the splash take 15 ongoing hellfire damage (11+ save ends).


Star Pact

When you get a critical hit with your Eldritch Bolt, you gain a use of empowered Touch from Beyond.


Cold is your primary damage type

Psychic is your secondary damage type


Touch from Beyond

Once per encounter as a quick action you can mark an enemy to be touched by an otherworldly being. Every time this enemy takes damage greater than five, they take an additional 1d4 psychic damage. This can happen multiple times per round. Ongoing damage also will cause the additional damage. A save 11+ will end this effect. At level 4, this is increased to 1d6 damage, and at level 7 this is increased to 2d6 damage.

Empowered: Your Touch from Beyond will now cause the target to become confused while active


Adventurer Feat: Your Eldritch Bolt can now target MD or PD.


Champion Feat: Touch From Beyond uses 1d8s for its damage dice.


Epic Feat: When you use Touch from Beyond, if the target is a normal creature and your level or below, you can instead of dealing damage you can control their mind. On your turn, you can give a simple command to the target which they will fulfill to the best of their ability. They can not inflict self harm, but they can attack their allies.


Fae Pact

When you get a critical hit with your Eldritch Bolt, you gain a use of empowered Ethereal Jaunt.


Lightning is your primary damage type

Thunder is your secondary damage type.


Ethereal Jaunt

Once per encounter, as a move action, you may teleport 25 feet.

Empowered: You can use Ethereal Jaunt as an interrupt allowing you to avoid attacks, grabs, and other dangers


Adventurer Feat: You gain +2 AC if you are allowed to move (As in you cannot be stunned, helpless, stuck, or anything like that to receive this bonus)


Champion Feat: Using your ethereal jaunt creates a thunderclap where you teleport next to. The thunderclap deals 1d4 x level damage to the targets.


Epic Feat: Ethereal Jaunt is an at will ability. In addition, you start each encounter with a use of empowered Ethereal Jaunt


Eldritch Bolt Shapes

You gain the ability to modify your eldritch blast using shapes. When you use eldritch blast, you can use a shape to modify it’s effect. You can only use one shape at a time.



Any spell marked as curse is a warlock curse. These spells usually apply some sort debilitating effect of the target if you hit.

Any given target may only be affected by only one warlock curse at a time.

Class Talents

Curse Mastery

Targets saving against your curses take a -1 penalty on their saving throws against your curses.


Adventurer Feat: Targets saving against your curses take a -2 instead of a -1 penalty on their saving throw against your curses.


Champion Feat: Once per day as a quick action, the target of your choosing must roll two d20s for their next save against one of your curses and take the lower of the two.


Epic Feat: Once per day as a quick action, the target of your choosing will automatically fail their next saving throw against one of your curses. Treat this as rolling a natural 1. The target may not use any power to reroll this saving roll.



You gain 12+ energy resistance to your pact’s primary damage type and 10+ energy resistance to your pact’s secondary damage type.


Adventurer Feat: +1 to PD and MD.


Champion Feat: If you resist damage because of your Resilience, you gain temporary HP equal to twice your level, only one set of temporary HP can be active from Resilience at one time.


Epic Feat: You gain 17+ energy resistance to your pact’s primary damage type and 14+ to your pact’s secondary damage type.



You are better at shaping your eldritch bolt. When you shape your eldritch bolt, you get a +2 on your attack roll.


Adventurer Feat: You gain an additional shape.


Champion Feat: When you get a natural even on your attack roll when using a shape, you get an additional +2 to hit for this attack. When you get a natural odd on your attack roll when using a shape you get +6 damage for this attack.


Epic Feat: You can use two shapes at one time. If you roll a natural 16+ on your attack roll, then you can keep one of the shapes you used in this attack.



You prefer being up close and personal rather than far away. Increase your AC and PD by 1. You can use melee martial weapons without penalty and any talent / feat that modifies your eldritch bolt will also apply to your melee attacks. You can choose whether to use your primary damage type (or secondary if you have the feat) or just use the weapon damage type. Criticals with your melee attack will also create your eldritch bolt critical effect from your pact. You can also apply your shapes to your melee swings.


If you are of the infernal pact, if you take the champion feat to increase eldritch bolt damage, your weapon dice increases by two steps (1d10 to 2d8, 1d8 to 1d12, 1d6 to 1d10)


Adventurer Feat: You can use your strength in place of charisma for spell attack and damage dice.


Adventurer Feat: You can use heavy armor without penalty



As a quick action, you can fully embrace your pact to become the avatar of your pact.

Transforming is extremely hard on your body and uses 2 hp x HP level modifier (See HP per level table at the top) per turn while transformed, this damage is applied at the end of your turn. You can end avatar at the start of your turn as a free action before taking any action.

Avatars can not use spells including eldritch bolt.

In addition to becoming an avatar of your pact, your normal appearance becomes more aligned to your pact. For example, a warlock of the infernal pact may grow horns or your voice may become deep, or a warlock of the Fae pact may have a delicate touch and a whimsical walk. This change is purely aesthetic similar to your one unique thing.


Champion Feat: You only use 1 hp x HP level modifier per turn while transformed.


Infernal Pact Avatar

Become a powerful demon with strong melee skills

Increase your AC and PD by 3

Melee Attack: charisma + level vs AC; Hit: 1d12 x level + charisma modifier + strength modifier damage.

Cleave: Your melee attack can hit two targets that are engaged with you

Immolation Aura: All enemies engaged with you take 5 fire damage at the end of your turn. This increases to 10 fire damage at level 5, and 20 fire damage at level 8


Star Pact Avatar

Become an otherworldly being.

Ranged Attack: charisma + level vs MD; Hit 1d8 x level + charisma modifier + intelligence modifier psychic damage


Ranged Spell
Once per battle
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma modifier + level vs MD
Hit: 1d6 x Level + Charisma modifier psychic damage and the target is confused (11+ save ends).
Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Ice Shard

Ranged Spell

Once per battle
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Charisma modifier + level vs PD
Hit: 1d6 x Level + Intelligence modifier cold damage and the target is stuck and takes a -2 to AC and PD.
Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Floating: You are considered to be floating, as such, any ground based attacks (earthquakes, attempting to trip you, etc) are ineffective

Braindead: Any attack in this form that hits with a natural die roll of 16+ also makes the target brain dead. It will make bad decisions and mostly rely upon instinct rather than luck.


Fae Pact Avatar

Become a trickster fae archer

Ranged Attack: charisma + level + 2 vs AC; Hit 1d10 x level + charisma modifier + dexterity modifier lightning damage

Flight: You have permanent flight ability while in this form.

Storm: You can conjure a storm.

Target: 2d3 targets near each other;

Attack: charisma + level vs PD;

Hit 1d4 x level thunder damage and target takes -2 attack for their next turn.

Miss: Half Damage

Allure: You gain a bonus to AC equal to your charisma modifier against mooks.

Ethereal Jaunt: When you first transform in a battle, you have a use of empowered ethereal jaunt while in this form. After every turn you can recharge it with an 16+ save. This does not cause you to lose or gain your ethereal jaunt while not in your avatar form. If you have the champion feat for ethereal jaunt, then you also gain the same benefit here.


Heavy Blast

Once per encounter, treat your level as one higher when determining Eldritch Bolt’s damage.


Eldritch Barrage

Once per encounter, decrease the damage of your Eldritch Bolt to 1d6 x level (1d8 if you use 1d12s for damage). You fire three separate Eldritch Bolts, each requiring a separate attack roll. Each of these bolts must be attacking different targets.


Accurate Blast

Once per encounter, increase the natural roll of your attack roll by 1.


Lucky Blast

Once per encounter, if you roll 3 or under, you may re roll the d20 and must keep the next result.


Explosive Blast

Once per encounter, your eldritch blast hits 1d3 additional targets in a group.


Vulnerable Blast

Once per encounter, the target you hit with your Eldritch Blast is vulnerable (11+ Save ends).


Fumbling Blast

Once per encounter, your target takes a -2 to AC until the end of your next turn.


Fatiguing Blast

Once per encounter, your target takes a -2 to PD until the end of your next turn.


Draining Blast

Once per encounter, your target takes a -2 to MD until the end of your next turn.


Blinding Blast

Once per encounter, your target takes a -2 to their attack rolls until the end of your next turn.



Level 1

Ray of Enfeeblement

Sap the strength of strong, show them that your magic will be greater than their strength will ever be.


Recharge 16+

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD

On hit: 4d6 + charisma negative energy damage and the target takes a -2 on attack rolls and damage for basic melee attacks (11+ save ends).

On miss: Half Damage.

Level 3: 7d6 negative energy damage and the target takes a -2 on attack and damage rolls for non magic attacks.

Level 5: 10d6 negative energy damage and the target takes a -3 on attack and damage rolls for non magic attacks.

Level 7: 12d8 negative energy damage and the target takes a -3 on attack and damage rolls for non magic attacks.

Level 9: 15d12 negative energy damage and the target takes a -4 on attack and damage rolls for non magic attacks.

Pact Effect

Infernal: You steal their strength, giving you a +2 on attack and damage rolls for basic melee attacks while Ray of Enfeeblement is active.

Star: Ray of Enfeeblement also affects basic ranged attacks.

Fae: The damage type is psychic and attacks MD.


Adventurer feat: If you use this when the escalation dice is 5+, it becomes a recharge 6+.

Champion feat: If you use this when the escalation dice is 3+, it becomes a recharge 6+.

Epic feat: this spell becomes a recharge 6+.



A powerful flame burst the burns your enemies to a crisp.



Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD

On hit: 4d10 + charisma fire damage.

On miss: Half damage.

Level 3: 6d10

Level 5: 10d10

Level 7: 3d6 x 10

Level 9: 5d6 x 10

Pact Effect

Infernal: If you get an even hit the target takes ongoing damage equal to your level (11+ save). This stacks with the adventure’s feat but one save will end them both

Star: Immolate deals cold damage, and the target moves at half speed (11+ save ends).

Fae: If you hit, the target is hampered until the end of their next turn.


Adventurer Feat: If you hit, the target takes ongoing damage equal to your level (11+ save)


Dark Fog

Nothing causes fear like getting lost in the fog...



Create a think layer of fog that reduces visibility of those inside of it.

The fog is circular and about 10 feet in radius.

Creatures in the fog take a -2 to attack rolls. Creatures trying to fire at a target in the fog or behind the fog also take this penalty.

The fog lasts 3 rounds.

Level 3: The fog is very difficult to navigate. To move out of the fog, it requires a disengage check at a -2 penalty. You do not take this penalty and you can assist people out of the fog (they do not take the penalty and get a +5 to disengage).

Level 5: The fog is a poison gas. In addition to the above effects, enemies ending their turn in the fog take 10 damage.

Level 7:The poison fog now deals 20 damage per turn.

Level 9: The poison fog now deals 40 damage per turn.

Pact Effect

Infernal: The fog is a wide smoke. The radius is 15 feet in radius.

Star: Dark fog also affects the mind. Creatures that do not use sight to escape are also affected by the fog.

Fae: The fog only affects enemies. You allies are not affected.


Adventurer Feat: The fog lasts 4 rounds.

Epic Feat: The fog is a diabolical maze. Enemies in the fog must make a disengage check in order to take their turn.


Entropic Warding

A useful defensive option that no smart warlock leaves at home.



Target: Yourself

Effect: Gain a +1 bonus to AC, PD and MD until the end of battle. You leave no trail and no scent.

Level 3: Gain 1d8 temporary hit points in addition to the defenses

Level 5: Increase the bonus to +2

Level 7: Gain 3d8 temporary hit points in addition to the defenses

Level 9: Increase the bonus to +3

Pact Effect

Infernal: Gain a +1 bonus to your PD when this spell is active

Star: Gain a +1 bonus to your MD when this spell is active

Fae: Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when this spell is active


Adventurer Feat: You can cast this spell on a close by target instead of yourself.



An attack that goes for the eyes, blinding foes.


Recharge 11+

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD

On hit: 2d8 + charisma negative energy damage, and the target is blind (-4 to attack) (11+ save ends)

On miss: half damage.

Level 3: 5d8 damage

Level 5: 10d6 damage

Level 7: 2d4 x 10 damage

Level 9: 3d4 x 10 damage

Pact Effect

Infernal: The target’s eye’s are seared shut, after saving, the target regains vision at the end of their next turn.

Star: The target cannot differentiate allies from enemies.

Fae: The target is deafened as well due to droning wails and screams.


Curse of Terror

Emotions are a powerful tool with fear being the favorite of most warlocks.


Recharge 11+ Curse

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD

Target: Target with 75 hp or fewer

On hit: Target is terrorized, any skills that use the escalation dice are removed until no longer feared. (16+ Save)

Level 4: 125 hp or fewer

Level 5: 200 hp or fewer

Level 7: 350 hp or fewer

Level 9: 550 hp or fewer

Pact Effect

Infernal: While terrorized, targets will try to avoid you if they can attack another target.

Star: While terrorized, targets are mentally unstable and will make the least tactically sound plan if they are able to.

Fae: While terrorized, you can focus the target’s attention to something nearby causing them to interact with that with their actions.


Adventurer Tier: While terrorized, target takes a -4 to all attacks.

Champion Tier: While terrorized, The target can not move.

Epic Tier: While terrorized, target takes a -2 to all defenses


Curse of Pain

A favorite of many the sadist, this curse causes an immense amount of pain.


Daily Curse

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD

On hit: 5 + 1d8 ongoing negative energy damage
On miss: 5 ongoing damage

Level 3: 10 + 2d8  ongoing damage

On miss: 10 ongoing damage

Level 5: 15 + 3d8 ongoing damage
On miss: 15 ongoing damage

Level 7: 25 + 5d8 ongoing damage

On miss: 25 ongoing damage

Level 9: 35 + 10d6 ongoing damage
On miss: 35 ongoing damage

Pact Effect

Infernal: The damage type is fire, enemies close by take a quarter of the damage taken by the target.

Star: The target also takes a -1 to all defenses while active.

Fae: On a successful save against ongoing damage, the curse jumps to the nearest enemy and that enemy now suffers half of the ongoing damage. This can only happen once per application of the curse.


Spider Climb

Never pass up the ability to learn from the lesser beings, no matter how insignificant they seem to be.

Recharge 11+

Target: You

Allows you to climb on any wall easily

Gives you a +5 on climbing checks and you do not need to make a climb check to climb up walls.

You can remain to the wall with one hand free. However you cannot move without using both hands

Your climb speed is your normal speed.

lasts for the battle or 5 minutes

Level 3: You can also climb on the ceiling. Your speed on the ceiling is halved (two turns to change distance descriptors). You can also move and have one hand free for an attack.

Level 5: You can use this on 1d3 + 1 allies and yourself

Level 7: Lasts for 1 hour and your movement speed on ceilings is your normal speed.

Level 9: you can use this on 2d4 + 1 allies and yourself.

Pact Effect

Infernal: You grow claws and are difficult to remove from the wall. Any attempts to remove you from the wall (by aiming for limbs, the wall itself or something along those lines) has a -4 bonus to their attack roll.

Star: You can make grand leaps onto surfaces. You can jump both horizontally and vertically nearby and latch onto a surface.

Fae: Your movement is doubled while this spell is active.


Level 3

Void Sense

Your pact benefactors gave you a significant amount of power, one example is the ability to detect the “lesser” life forms.

Recharge 11+

Target: You

You can sense nearby life. You can detect and attack invisible enemies and targets you can not see at a -2 penalty.

This effect lasts until the end of battle (or about five minutes)

Level 5: You can sense attacks and blows just before they strike. You gain a +2 to AC if the attack originates close by.

Level 7: You can attack invisible enemies and enemies you can not see without penalty.

Level 9: You can cast this effect on 1d3 close by allies.

Pact Effect

Infernal: You have improved hearing as well. You gain a +2 AC vs ranged attacks.

Star: You have full darkvision, allowing you to discern fine detail as if everything you see was well-lit.

Fae: You have improved olfactory senses. You can track someone by their scent.


Adventurer Feat: When you roll initiative, you can choose to use this as an interrupt, if you do so, you can not use this for the rest of the day.


Vampiric Touch

With a touch, you drain the vitality of your foe and add it to your own.

Close quarters

Recharge 16+

Target: One enemy engaged with you

Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD

On hit: Deal 3d8 + charisma negative energy damage and immediately use a recovery

Miss: Half damage

Level 5: 5d8 damage

Level 7: 10d8 damage

Level 9: 3d4 x 10 damage

Pact Effect

Infernal: You gain a fire and negative energy resist of 12+. If you already have that resist, increase by +2. This lasts until the end of your next turn.

Star: You gain a cold and psychic energy resist of 12+. If you already have that resist, increase it by +2. This lasts until the end of your next turn.

Fae: You gain a lightning and thunder energy resist of 12+. If you already have that resist, increase it by +2. This lasts until the end of your next turn.


Epic Feat: The recovery is a free recovery.



Conjure up a swarm of insects or vermin to attack foes.

Close quarters

Recharge 11+

Target: 1d3 enemies in a group nearby

Attack: Charisma + Level vs AC

On hit: Deal 4d8 + charisma poison damage.

Miss: half damage.

Level 5: 5d8 damage

Level 7: 10d8 damage

Level 9: 3d4 x 10 damage

Pact Effect

Infernal: The targets are dazed until the end of your next turn.

Star: The targets are confused until the end of your next turn.

Fae: The targets are stuck and hampered until the end of your next turn.


Adventurer Feat: You can target 1d3+1 enemies instead of 1d3


Curse of Pestilence

One of the most feared curses, this curse causes the target to continuously vomit until death.



Target: One enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD

On hit: Every turn while affected the target vomits taking 2d6 + charisma poison damage. All enemies close by take 1d6 + charisma poison damage

Miss: Enemy takes normal damage, but the effect ends now.

Level 5: 3d6 damage to target, and 2d6 damage to close by targets

Level 7: 5d6 damage to target, and 3d6 damage to close by targets

Level 9: 8d6 damage to target, and 5d6 damage to close by targets

Pact Effect

Infernal: Your target is running a high fever as well causing them to take an additional 1d6 fire damage when they take damage from vomiting

Star: Your target is light headed and takes a -1 to their MD.

Fae:Your target is dizzy and takes a -1 to their AC.




Target: You

Until the end of the battle (or 5 minutes), you become invisible until you attack or perform some other flashy display

5th level: You and 1d3 other nearby allies are also invisible.

7th level: Creatures made invisible by the spell have a 25% chance of remaining invisible the first time (and first time only) they attack or get flashy.

9th level: You can choose to only turn yourself invisible, if you do, then you remain invisible after your first (and only first) attack or flashy display.

Pact Effect

Infernal: When you appear again, you emerge in a blast of flame and smoke, dealing 1d4 x level damage in close range around you.

Star: You remain invisible one turn after the invisibility spell ends.

Fae:When you turn invisible, you can create an illusion of yourself


Level 5

Phantasmal Killer

You conjure up a shadowy assassin to do your dirty work.



Target: One nearby enemy

Summon a spectral assassin to kill your marked target.

At the end of your turn, the phantasmal killer teleports behind the marked target and makes a basic melee attack against the target. The target the phantasmal killer attacks is not considered engaged with it.

The phantasmal killer wields a short sword (1d6) and is the same level as you for damage and attack purposes. You can use your charisma instead of strength for the attacks and damage.

After the target is dead, the phantasmal killer vanishes.

Lasts for three turns.

Level 7: The phantasmal killer wields a long sword (1d8)

Level 9: The phantasmal killer wields a great sword (1d10)

Pact Effect

Infernal: On a miss, the target takes half damage.

Star: On a miss, the target takes a -2 to defenses until the start of your next turn.

Fae: On a miss, the target takes a -2 to attack rolls until the start of your next turn.


Champion Feat: The phantasmal killer weapon is a +2 magical weapon

Epic Feat: The phantasmal killer lasts until the end of battle.


Banshee’s Wail

A loud scream blasts your foes.



Target: 1d4 enemies in a rough cone.

Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD

On hit: 8d8 thunder damage

Miss: Half Damage

Level 7: 10d8 thunder damage

Level 9: 13d8 thunder damage.

Pact Effect

Infernal: Leaves a zone of fire in the area of the wail dealing 20 fire damage to any enemies who end their turn in the fire zone.

Star: Enemies hit by this take 10 ongoing psychic damage (11+ save ends)

Fae: Enemies hit by this are deafened until the end of their next turn (-2 to attack)


Champion Feat: Enemies hit by this are confused (11+ save ends)

Epic Feat: Increase the save to a hard save (16+ save) to end confusion.


Dispel Magic

Sometimes the machine makes the man. You are always prepared for when this is true.



Target: One nearby enemy or item

Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD

On hit: Any positive magical effect on an enemy or any negative magical effect on an ally is removed. Treat this as they immediately got a 20 on their saving throw.

You can use this on magical gear. If you hit, the item loses its magical properties for 1d6 turns.

Level 7: If used on an enemy, you create magical feedback dealing 1d6 x 10 + charisma damage

Level 9: If used on an enemy, you create magical feedback dealing 2d6 x 10 + charisma damage

Pact Effect

Infernal: Whoever made the magical effect or owns the magical equipment can suffer an additional 1d4 x level fire damage.

Star: Whoever made the magical effect or owns the magical equipment can suffer a -2 to defenses and attack rolls until the start of your next turn.

Fae: You can instead displace the magical effect to another target, make a Charisma (without the level bonus) check with a DC of 20 to transfer the effect.


Champion Feat: You can use Dispel Magic twice a day.


Curse of Vulnerability

After uttering your curse, the target seems to be less aware lowering their defenses in just the right areas.


Daily Curse

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD

On hit: 6d8 + charisma psychic damage and target is vulnerable (Save 11+)

Level 7: 10d8 and target is vulnerable

Level 9: 15d8 and target is vulnerable

Pact Effect

Infernal: Enemies also take a -1 to AC and PD when vulnerable.

Star: Enemies are also confused while vulnerable

Fae: Enemies take a -2 to attack rolls while vulnerable


Level 7



Target: You

You can fly until the end of the battle (or for five minutes). Your speed doesn't increase appreciably but you can move in three-dimensions.

Level 9: When you cast the spell, you can choose one: the effect lasts for an hour OR you can target 1d4 + 1 creatures nearby you for the normal duration.

Pact Effect

Infernal: You leave behind a flame trail behind you. Anyone who walks into takes 1d4 x level damage. The trail lasts until the end of your next turn. You do not take damage from your own trail

Star: You are difficult to hit while flying and gain a +2 to AC.

Fae: Your speed doubles.



With a flick of your wrist, all oxygen is sucked out of your foe.



Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD

On hit: 2d6 x 10 + charisma damage and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.

On miss: half damage

Level 9: 4d6 x 10 damage.

Pact Effect

Infernal: You steal the life force from them when you use this. If you hit, you can use a recovery.

Star: You can target either PD or MD with this effect

Fae: After being stunned, the target is stuck until the end of their turn


Curse of the Weak

You utter a few words and all strength is drained from your foe.


Daily Curse

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD

On hit: 10d8 + charisma damage and target is Weakened (11+ save ends);

On miss: 10d4 damage

Level 9: 2d6 x 10 damage;
On Miss: 2d3 x 10 damage

Pact Effect

Infernal: After this effect ends, the target’s PD remains reduced by 4 until the end of their next turn

Star: After this effect ends, the target’s MD remains reduced by 4 until the end of their next turn

Fae: After this effect ends, the target’s AC remains reduced by 4 until the end of their next turn


Level 9

Black Tentacles

Black tentacles emerge from the ground beside your selected whipping all nearby enemies



Target: One nearby creature and 1d6 creatures in a group with the enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs AC

On hit: Target takes 4d4 x 10 + charisma poison damage

On miss: half damage

Pact Effect

Infernal: Summons one main large tentacle along with the smaller tentacle. If you hit against your primary target, they take 5d4 x 10 + charisma poison damage instead of 4d4 x 10 damage.

Star: The tentacles are envenomed. If they hit, the target takes 10 ongoing poison damage (save 11+ ends)

Fae: Creates a loud sonic boom when the tentacles burst from the ground dealing 15 thunder damage to creatures close by your target


Epic Feat: You target 1d8 creatures instead of 1d6.



Dark premonitions about your doom of you and your allies flash before your eyes. Not many could handle what you see, but for you, its all in a days work.


Target: You

Grants a sixth sense to impending danger.

Can not be surprised, in addition, if you are being surprise attacked you can grant a +2 bonus to others with whatever check might be helpful (usually perception).

The spell also will give you advice on the best course of action.

Grants +2 AC and PD.

Lasts for six hours.

Pact Effect

Infernal: You gain additional insight against demon foes. You get a +2 to attack vs demons while Foresight is active

Star: You gain additional insight against aberrant foes. You get a +2 to attack vs aberrant while Foresight is active. (DM Note: 13th age does not come with aberrant foes (mind flayers). If you feel like this effect is not worth it, consider changing this to some other caster type such as liches, necromancers, wizards, sorcerers, etc)

Fae: You gain additional insight against fae foes. You get a +2 to attack vs fae while Foresight is active. (DM Note: Similar to the star effect you can substitute this for some sort of nature enemy or elvan enemy if you do not feel like this effect is that good)

DM note: The spell is flexible in that there is no limit on how far you can see into the future (if you need a plot device) however general case should be a few minutes into the future or what opponents have planned on their next round.

Example of this might be a red dragon is going to breath on you, the dm informs you of some rocks for cover that you can hide behind


Curse of Death

A legendary dark curse only known by a few.


Daily Curse

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Charisma + Level vs MD

On hit: 25 ongoing negative energy damage and if the target drops below 200 HP, it dies (Save 16+ ends)

On miss: 25 ongoing negative energy damage and if the target drops below 50 HP, it dies (save 11+ ends)

Pact Effect

Infernal: Upon death of the target, the target explodes dealing 8d6 negative energy damage to close enemies if Curse of Death was the cause.

Star: Upon death of the target, all enemies close by are confused if Curse of Death was the cause.

Fae: Upon death of the target, you gain a use of empowered ethereal jaunt if Curse of Death was the cause.

Epic Feat: Increases the death threshold by 75 HP.


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