Cleric spells
1st level Spells
Beacon of Hope
Ranged spell; Daily
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: The target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
Effect: You and 1d3 nearby allies heal hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. Until the end of the battle, when you grant healing to an ally with a spell, that ally heals additional hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. Double your Wisdom modifier at 5th level, triple it at 8th.
Champion Feat: Increase the immediate healing effect by 5 times your level.
Blasphemous Incantation
Ranged spell; Once per battle
Target: The nearby enemy with the fewest hit points
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: 4d6 + Wisdom holy damage, and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Miss: The target must succeed at a save (11+) or be dazed until the end of its next turn.
3rd level spell: 7d6 damage.
5th level spell: 7d10 damage.
7th level spell: 10d12 damage.
9th level spell: 2d8 x 10 damage.
Adventurer feat: Hit or miss, deal damage equal to your level to all enemies engaged with you.
Champion Feat: The daze effect is (save ends).
Booming Command
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. MD
Hit: Issue a three word command to the target, such as "drop your weapon" or "run away fast". If the target obeys, the spell has no other effect. If the target refuses, it takes 3d12 + Wisdom thunder damage.
3rd level spell: 4d12 thunder damage
5th level spell: 6d12 thunder damage
7th level spell: 1d8 x 10 thunder damage
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 thunder damage.
Miss: --
Adventurer feat: The command can be up to 5 words.
Champion feat: Target up to two enemies.
Epic feat: Target up to three enemies.
Detect Iconic Affiliation
Ranged spell; Daily
Target: A nearby creature
Effect: You sense whether the target is affiliated to an Icon (if any). Note that this spell is notoriously unreliable regarding the Shadow Prince, unless you have an icon relationship with him yourself.
GM hint: The Core Book has icon relation entries for many monsters. The monster vignette also suggests an icon relation. See page 201 for a key to these.
Inflict Serious Wounds
Melee touch spell (targets one enemy you are engaged with, does not provoke opportunity attacks); Once per battle
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom holy damage. If the target is undead, it is healed instead of taking damage.
Miss: Damage equal to your level.
3rd level spell: 5d8 damage.
5th level spell: 8d8 damage.
7th level spell: 12d8 damage.
9th level spell: 16d8 damage.
Champion feat: This spell is now a cyclic spell (you can cast it at-will when the escalation die is even).
Epic Feat: On a natural 18+, the target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
Remove Fear
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: All nearby allies
Effect: Remove all fear effects. The targets are immune to fear until the end of the battle.
Adventurer feat: The spell becomes Recharge 15+.
Ritual Dagger
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: Until the end of the battle, when you hit an enemy with a small weapon, you gain a +4 bonus to your next spell attack roll before the end of battle. On a natural even hit, deal 5 ongoing unholy damage per tier.
Adventurer feat: On a natural even hit, the target is also hampered while it takes ongoing damage.
Champion feat: Increase the ongoing damage to 10 per tier.
Vessel of the Dark Gods
Special: Evil clerics can choose this spell instead of Heal to cast twice per battle.
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Standard action to cast
Effect: Spend a recovery and heal half the amount. Make the following attack against all nearby enemies.
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD
Hit: Deal damage equal to the amount you healed.
Miss: Your level in damage.
Adventurer feat: You can use this spell as a quick action.
Champion feat: Nearby allies heal hit points equal to your level.
Epic feat: You heal the full recovery amount.
3rd level Spells
Close-quarters spell; Daily; Quick Action to cast
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. MD
Hit: Your level in unholy damage, and the target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
Miss: Your level in unholy damage.
Champion feat: The spell becomes Recharge 16+
Incite Righteous Rage
Ranged Spell; Daily
Quick action to cast
Target: One nearby ally
Effect: Until the end of the battle, the ally can roll twice for melee attack rolls and take the higher result. If the target ally does not make a melee attack during his turn, he takes psychic damage equal to his level. In that situation, he can choose to make a normal save to avoid the damage and end the spell.
Neutralize Poison
Ranged spell; Recharge 11+ after battle
Target: You or a nearby ally
Effect: You end any ongoing poison effect on the target and grant it resist poison 18+ until the end of the battle.
Adventurer feat: You can cast the spell on two targets.
Champion feat: The target gains a +4 bonus to defenses against attacks that deal poison damage until the end of the battle.
Summon Guardian of Faith
Ranged spell; Daily
Effect: You summon a guardian from the realms of your deity, as per the summoning rules in 13TW page 11. The guardian takes a shape determined by your faith, often an animal associated with strength, valor and protection, such as a lion. The summoned guardian fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first.
5th level spell: The guardian gains +2 to initiative, attacks and defenses, deals 16 damage and has 32 hp.
7th level spell: The guardian gains +4 to initiative, attacks and defenses, deals 24 damage and has 52 hp.
9th level spell: The guardian gains +6 to initiative, attacks and defenses, deals 40 damage and has 90 hp.
Summoned Guardian
3rd level troop [celestial beast]
Initiative: +8
Claws and bite +8 vs. AC—8 holy damage
Protective Stance (quick action): Grant a nearby ally a +2 bonus to defenses until the end of your next turn.
AC 20 PD 16 HP 20 MD 12
Sacred Flame
Ranged Spell; At-will
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom fire damage.
Natural even attack roll: The next attack against the target does extra damage equal to your level.
Miss: Damage equal to your level
5th level spell: 5d8 damage.
7th level spell: 6d10 damage.
9th level spell: 8d10 damage.
Champion feat: Double the extra damage for natural even attacks.
Epic feat: Increase the damage dice to d12.
Symbol of Mercy
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: You summon a glowing symbol in the air. The symbol starts with a strength equal to the spell level. You or a nearby ally can choose to spend one point of strength of the symbol to heal using a recovery as a quick action or to reroll a death save once. The symbol fades if its strength is reduced to zero.
Adventurer Feat: Death save re-rolls granted by the symbol gain a +3 bonus.
Champion Feat: You can cast the spell twice per day.
5th level spells
Bolt of Glory
Ranged spell; At-will
Target: One nearby enemy. If a demon or undead is nearby, the attack must target them.
Attack: Wisdom + Level vs. PD
Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom holy damage. Against demons and undead, deal 5d12 damage.
Miss: Holy damage equal to your level.
7th level spell: 7d6 damage, or 7d12 against demons and undead
9th level spell: 10d6 damage, or 10d12 against demons and undead.
Champion Feat: Against demons and undead, deal half damage on a miss.
Epic Feat: Against demons and undead, gain a +2 bonus to attack.
Defensive Harmony
Ranged Spell; Daily; Quick Action
Target: Up to three nearby creatures (including you)
Effect: The target gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of battle.
7th level spell: Up to four creatures
9th level spell: Up to five creatures.
Champion feat: If two targets of the spell are engaged with the same enemy, the AC bonus increases to +3 against that enemy.
Epic feat: Also grant the bonus to PD.
Flame Strike
Ranged Spell; Once per battle
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD
Hit: 6d8 + Wisdom fire and holy damage. Deal 1d8 extra damage per point of escalation die.
Miss: Half damage
7th level spell: 1d8 x 10 damage; 2d6 per point of escalation die
9th level spell: 2d6 x 10 damage; 3d6 per point of escalation die.
Champion feat: Deal holy and fire damage equal to your twice your Wisdom modifier to all other nearby enemies. Triple at 8th level.
Freedom of Movement
Ranged Spell; Recharge after battle 11+
Target: You or one nearby ally
Effect: The target is immune to effects that hinder its movement, including penalties to disengage checks, the stuck and hampered conditions, and getting grabbed by enemies.
Champion feat: You can cast the spell on two targets.
Penance by Fire
Ranged attack; At-will
Target: One nearby enemy
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. MD
Hit: 5d6 + Wisdom fire damage and the target is vulnerable to attacks until the end of your next turn. The target can choose to pray fervently for absolution. In this case, it loses its standard action on its next turn, but it takes no damage and does not suffer the vulnerability. It gains a +2 bonus to saving throws until the end of its next turn.
7th level spell: 7d6 damage
9th level spell: 10d6 damage
Champion feat: Increase the damage dice to d8.
Rip Open Wounds
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: All nearby staggered enemies
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD
Hit: 25 ongoing damage.
Miss: --
7th level: 40 ongoing damage.
9th level: 60 ongoing damage.
Champion feat: The save against the ongoing damage is now a hard save (16+).
Epic feat: Targets are dazed until they save against the ongoing damage.
7th level spells
Blade Barrier
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: All enemies you are engaged with
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. AC
Hit: 8d8 + Wisdom damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Special: You can repeat the attack each time an enemy moves to engage you. At the start of each following turn, the damage is reduced by 2d8, until the number of dice reaches zero and the spell ends.
9th level spell: 12d8 damage.
Epic feat: Increase the damage dice to d10 and deal holy damage.
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: One enemy you are engaged with
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD
Hit: The target's current hit point total is reduced to half. The damage you deal is negative energy damage.
Miss: Your level in negative energy damage.
Epic feat: Reduce hit points to one third.
Holy Word
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD
Hit: If the target is summoned from a different plane, such as a demon from the abyss, it is banished back to that plane. Other creatures are killed if they have 50 hp or less, stunned (save ends) at 100 hp or less, or dazed (save ends) otherwise.
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
9th level spell: Killed at 75 hp or less, stunned at 150 hp or less.
Epic feat: Increase the number of targets to 1d4+1.
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Special: Requires focus
Target: One deceased creature
Effect: This incantation has the power to bring a deceased person back to life. It does not require the target's body; if the old one is not available, a new one is created. The spell does not come without strings attached, however. The target of the spell is put under a strong geas spell chosen by the caster. The geas is an commandment of up to 25 words that the target has to follow. The spell's effect lasts up to a year, and the target dies if the spell ends. The spell also ends if the geas is removed or countered, or if the target willingly and grossly violates the geas. Even minor infractions against the geas cause weakness and pain. The spell cannot be cast on the same target twice; there is only one chance at Redemption.
It is possible to cast this spell with a duration longer than one year, if the caster aligns the spell a certain stellar constellation that can be far into the future. However, casting the spell that way requires extensive preparation and a ritual that requires several days of exhausting spellcasting.
Shield of the Archons
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Target: Self
Effect: This spell absorbs all spells cast at you. The total level of spells it can absorb is equal to the shield's level. As long as there are spell levels remaining in the shield, the next incoming spell will be absorbed, even if its level is higher. For example, if a 9th level Finger of Death is cast at you and there is only 1 spell level remaining in the shield, the spell will still be absorbed. Shield of the Archons will also absorb non-basic attacks of monsters as long as they are of magical origin (DM's call), with the monster's level as the spell level. If a spell targets multiple targets, only the attack against you is absorbed. Note that the spell also absorbs friendly spells. It does not affect spells that you were cast on you before the shield.
Epic feat: You can temporarily suppress the shield when a friendly spell is cast at you.
Slay Living
Melee attack spell; Daily
Attack: Wisdom + level vs. PD
Hit: The target must immediately make a saving throw. If the save succeeds, it takes 5d10 + Wisdom damage. If the save fails, it drops to 0 hp and dies. If the target has 80 hp or less, the save is a hard save; at 160 or less, a normal save; at 240 or less, a hard save. Targets with more hp always succeed the save.
Miss: -
9th level: Increase the hp ranges to 160 / 240 / 360.
Symbol of Madness
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: You create a hovering, glowing rune that causes those who gaze on it to go insane. Nearby enemies must make a saving throw immediately or be confused (save ends). The save difficulty depends on their hit point total: 80 hit points or less - hard; 120 hit points or less - normal; 160 hit points or less - easy.
The symbol persists while you are conscious or until the end of the battle, and affects enemies newly entering the area.
9th level spell: Increase the save thresholds to 100 for hard, 150 for normal and 200 for easy.
Epic feat: The symbol affects far away enemies.
9th level spells
Gate to the Underworld
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Special: You must cast this spell at a site that has a connection to the dead, such as a graveyard, a crypt or the site of a large, ancient battle.
The spell enables you and a group of nearby allies to travel to any location in the underworld, the world of spirits and the dead. Some knowledge of the underworld is required to know where you are going, which can be gained from past travels, scrying rituals, or the guidance of the soul of a deceased. Travel takes between an hour and a day, depending on distance and the amount of effort the exerted.
After you entered the underworld, the gate remains and can be unlocked with the right pass phrase. You do have to return to the same location within the underworld to return. You can also recast this spell to open a gate from the other side.
Winter Solstice
Close-quarters spell; Daily
Effect: Decrease the escalation die by 1. You and all nearby allies can spend a free recovery.
Epic feat: Add your Charisma modifier x5 to the number of hit points healed.
Art credit: BooSooHoo - Legend of Cryptids
Version: 0.2; 10 November 2016
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