
Rogue talent collection

Written by Martin K.

Park Pyeongjun rogues

Black Rose Assassin

You have sworn allegiance a secretive assassin's guild whose elite members practice the dark arts of necromancy.

You gain a spell from the necromancer list.

Adventurer feat: You can use your sneak attack class feature with the chosen spell, even if it is a ranged spell.

Champion feat: When you use a spell like Zombie Form, you gain a +5 bonus to disguise yourself as an undead.

Epic feat: You can switch out a Rogue maneuver to gain a second necromancer spell, at a -2 level penalty.

Decipher Scripts

You have a knack for old and forgotten scripts, ciphers and crawly handwriting. You gain an appropriate 5 point background to represent that knowledge.

You can use your Trapsense class feature to avoid effects like explosive runes on scrolls.

Adventurer feat: When you roll a natural even failure on a skill check to decipher a script, roll again and take the second result.

Champion feat: You can use arcane scrolls in the same way a Wizard of your level would.

Epic feat: When you create your own ciphers, opponents take a -5 penalty to break them.

Deep Pockets

You habitually help yourself to the carried possessions of others, to the point where you find items in your pockets where you don't remember how they got there. You gain a d6 that you can roll once per session.

On a 6, you pull a helpful item out of your pockets, which could be a clue to a riddle, the key to a lock or a jewel when you are short on cash. On a 5, you still find a useful item, but there is a complication. The item could be cursed, the owner could be looking for it, or you learn a secret that is very dangerous to know.

Adventurer feat: When you roll a natural even failure on a skill check to steal something, roll again and take the second result.


You go up and down walls like a spider, using the tiniest nooks and ledges.

Your grip is strong enough that you can fight one-handed while climbing without penalty. You can even climb on huge enemies to fight them and reach their weak spots. While climbing a monster, you gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range against it.

Adventurer feat: When you roll a natural even failure on a skill check to climb, roll again and take the second result.

Champion feat: When a monster throws you off, and you roll an even failure on a skill check to land safely, you can reroll it.

Epic feat: While climbing a monster, you gain a +1 bonus to attacks and defenses against it.


You have been trained as a master locksmith and lockpicker, and gain a free 5 point background to represent that training. To a true master like you, there is no lock that can't be opened. The measure for lock's quality is simply how long it takes.

After you have failed the first check to open a specific lock, the DM rolls a d6 to determine how long it takes you to open it. Usually that will be 1d6 minutes, but locks of extraordinary quality exist that take 1d6 hours or even 1d6 days. Rare locks like this protect the crown jewels of the Emperor or the Lich King's phylactery. Rumors persist of a legendary lock in the heart of Mechanus that would take even a master like you years if not centuries. It's not even about what the lock keeps safe. Maybe a mortal should never open it. It's about the challenge.

Adventurer feat: When you roll a natural even failure on a skill check to open a lock, roll again and take the second result.

Lucky Bastard

You gain a number of luck points equal to your Charisma modifier. You can use a luck point as a free action to reroll any d20 roll once. You regain all luck points you spent after a full healup.

Adventurer feat: When you spend your last luck point for the day, reroll twice and take the better result.

Champion feat: When you use a luck point in combat and the reroll is equal to the escalation die or lower, immediately regain that luck point.

Epic feat: If your luck reroll is a natural 20, regain all luck points you spent that day.

Perfect Sneak

You have perfected the art of moving without making a sound. You always get a surprise round against opponents when your initiative roll is odd. You also gain a free 5 point background to represent your sneaking abilities free of cost.

Adventurer feat: When you roll a natural even failure on a skill check to move silently, roll again and take the second result.

Scout ahead

When you move in front in the party marching order or start scouting ahead, roll a d6 exploration die and keep the result. When making a skill check to interact with the environment, such as when determining directions or searching for traps, you add the exploration die. You can also add the die to a defense against attacks outside of combat, such as a trap or a surprise attack. After each time you use the bonus, reduce it by one, until it is zero. You regain the die after the next short rest.

Adventurer feat: When you add the die to a perception check (a Wisdom-based skill check), don't reduce it.

Champion feat: Roll two d6 for your exploration die and keep the higher one.

Epic feat: If you have an exploration die when combat starts, add it to your first attack roll.


You don't take an attack penalty with heavy crossbows and longbows, and you can use your Sneak Attack class feature with ranged attacks. Whenever a Rogue maneuver has a feat that allows you to use it as a ranged attack, you gain that feat for free, even if it is at a higher tier than your current level.

Adventurer feat: As a move action, you can grant yourself a +1 bonus to your next ranged attack on the same turn.

Champion feat: Once per battle, attack PD instead of AC with a ranged attack.

Epic feat: When you spend a move action to gain a bonus with a ranged attack, also increase your critical threat range by 2.


Special: This talent takes up two rogue class talent slots.

You gain a free 5 point arcane background to represent your Spellthief training. You also gain two Wizard spells, which you cast as if you were a Wizard of the same class level. You gain the bonus power Spellthief's Strike (below) in addition to your normal number of powers.

Talk to your DM if your would like your character to learn his spells from a different class, such as Sorcerer, if you feel that it would fit the PC's background or One Unique Thing better.

Adventurer feat: You gain three cantrips of your choice from the wizard list. You can cast them like a wizard (but without the benefits of Cantrip Mastery).

Champion feat: You gain an additional Wizard spell, at 2 levels lower than your class level.

Epic feat: You gain a second Wizard spell at 2 levels below your class level.

Spellthief Strike (Rogue power)

Note: This power requires the Spellthief talent.

Special: You must have momentum and be able to deal your Sneak Attack damage to the target if you hit.

Momentum power

Melee attack; at-will; you must spend your momentum

Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. PD

Hit: Half of WEAPON + Dexterity damage. The target is hampered until the end of its next turn. You regain the use of one spell of your choice. As an exception to standard multiclass rules, you can regain spells of your other class when multiclassed. If the target is a spellcaster, you can steal a spell from the target instead of regaining your own spell.

Natural 18+: You do not need to expend momentum to regain or steal a spell.

Miss: —

Adventurer feat: You can choose to recharge a magic item power instead of regaining a spell.

Champion feat: On 18+, the target is hampered (save ends).

Epic feat: The attack deals full damage on a hit.

Use Magic

You collect dusty old scrolls, discarded wands, odd shrunken heads and other magic trinkets. You don't need to keep track of them individually. During each full heal-up, you can study and activate one item from your collection. Choose one spell from any spellcaster class of your level or lower. Regardless of the spells original type, it is a daily spell for you. Use Charisma as the casting stat. Due to the finicky nature of the item, any natural attack roll of 1 or 2 is some sort of embarrassing mishap.

You also gain a free 5 point background to represent your familiarity with weird artifacts. This could be some sort of formal training, but it's more likely to be bits and pieces of arcane knowledge that you have picked up on the way. You can use it for skill checks to identify spells and items.

Wilderness Scout

While most Rogues come from an urban environment, you are more alive in the wild.

You gain a small wild animal as a pet, similar to the Ranger's Pet class feature.

Your Trap Sense class feature is changed to Nature Sense. The mechanics are the same, but it helps you avoid natural hazards such as poisonous plants, quicksand or avalanches, as well as ambushes by animals or intelligent foes in the wild.

You can also take the Ranger's Terrain Stunt talent if you like.

Adventurer feat: If a skill check to  find your path or gain orientation in the wilderness is an even failure, you can reroll the check once.

Champion feat: When in natural terrain, you gain Momentum at the start of the battle.



See also: Swashbuckler (Rogue variant), Rogue powers

Version 1.0, 20 Aug 2016

Art credit: Pyeongjun Park

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