
Necromancer (Diablo II)

Written by Martin K.

necromancer-historyFrom the steamy recesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some do not think that these ends can justify his foul means. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpselike, his figure, skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares.

The talents and spells on this page expand the Necromancer class that was introduced with 13 True Ways, based on the class in the classic game Diablo II.

New Talents

Golem Mastery

Special: This Talent costs 2 slots.

golemmasteryYou can create a golem to act as servant and bodyguard. You start with a clay golem, but you can unlock other types of golem by taking feats. When it is destroyed, you can create a new one, but the intense drain this places on your psyche only allows you to maintain a single golem of any type at a time.

Your golem is always your class level. See the individual golem entries for stats. It does not have recoveries, so it can't heal from powers that require them. Also note that the 13 True Ways summoning rules do not apply to your golem.

Adventurer feat: You can create blood golems

Champion feat: You can create iron golems

Epic feat: You can create fire golems

Clay Golem

claygolemWhile it is fairly simple for a Necromancer to animate dead tissue, it is another matter entirely to instill the spark of life into inanimate objects. The Clay Golem is the simplest form of this complex art, creating a servant directly from the earth to serve the Necromancer.

See the table below for the stats of your clay golem. Your clay golem is slow and easy to hit, but can stand a beating. 

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attack (vs. AC) +6 +7 +9 +10 +11 +13 +14 +15 +17 +18
Damage d6+1 d6+2 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6
AC  18 19 20 22 23 24 26 27 28 29
PD 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26
MD 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22
HP 25 33 40 55 70 85 105 125 150 180
Regeneration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Slow: The clay golem takes a -5 penalty on disengage saves.
Slow enemies: Targets hit by your clay golem take a -2 penalty to disengage saves until the end of their next turn.
Regeneration: Your clay golem regenerates a number of hit points at the start of its turn.
Non-escalator: Your clay golem does not benefit from the escalation die.

Blood Golem

bloodgolemUtilizing a small quantity of his own blood, the Necromancer is able to give life to a creature neither living nor dead, yet formed of human tissue. This homunculus gains nourishment from the fresh blood of its slain enemies, from which it replenishes its strength.

See the table below for the stats of your blood golem. Its major advantage is the ability to heal itself and you when it strikes an enemy.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attack (vs. AC) +6 +7 +9 +10 +11 +13 +14 +15 +17 +18
Damage d8 d8+1 d8+3 2d8 2d8+2 3d8 4d8 5d8 6d8 7d8
AC 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 26 27
PD 15 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26
MD 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22
HP 25 30 35 50 60 75 90 110 130 160
Blood donation: When you summon a blood golem, you must pay a recovery without healing hit points.
Blood drain: When a blood golem deals damage to an enemy, both it and the necromancer heal hit points equal to half the damage dealt.
Escalator: Your blood golem benefits from the escalation die.

Iron Golem

irongolemWhile many mages spend their lives devoted to studying the transmutation of base metals into gold, the Necromancers have always had a somewhat different approach to transforming metals. Through complicated arcane rituals and great mental concentration, a Necromancer can summon forth a Golem from common base metals. The construct takes on the properties of the original source material, including any magical effects or other properties the original metal might have possessed.

Born from steel: Creating an iron golem requires a true magic item that is made of metal, at least in its main parts. The item becomes part of the golem and grants it its powers. You can recover the item when the golem is destroyed.

See the table below for the stats of your iron golem.

Level 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attack (vs. AC) +11 +13 +14 +15 +17 +18
Damage 3d10 4d10 4d10+3 5d10 5d10+3 6d10
AC  24 25 27 28 29 30
PD 21 22 24 25 26 27
MD 16 17 19 20 21 22
HP 70 85 110 135 170 200
Thorns aura 5 6 7 8 9 10
Non-escalator: Does not benefit from the escalation die.
Thorns aura: Enemies who hit the iron golem while engaged to it take this damage.

Fire Golem

firegolemIt is believed that all life was forged when fire, earth, iron and flesh were combined. A Necromancer learned in this art can summon a Golem constructed entirely from living flame. The Necromancer summons the Golem through accelerating particles of the air at an ever increasing pace. These particles then ignite and the Golem crackles into existence, seemingly out of thin air.

The fire golem is the least durable of the golem, but enemies have to act fast to take it down before they are incinerated. 

Level 8 9 10
Attack (vs. PD) +15 +17 +18
Fire damage 3d12 4d12 5d12
AC  25 26 27
PD 24 25 26
MD 20 21 22
HP 90 110 140
Fire Aura 1d12 2d12 3d12
Fire Aura: At the start of its turn, enemies engaged with the golem take this in fire damage.
Born of fire: Resist fire 18+
Escalator: Benefits from the escalation die.
Blazing strike: Deals half damage on a miss.


Summon Resist

summonresistPowerful heat, freezing cold and intense electrical attacks can take a serious toll on the bound servants of any Necromancer. By developing this skill, a Necromancer can permeate his summoned minions with a protective energy that strengthens their protection to the natural and mystical elements alike.

Creatures you summon gain resist cold, fire and lightning 12+.

Adventurer feat: Increase the resistance to 15+.

Champion feat: Increase the resistance to 18+.

New Spells

1st Level Spells

Amplify Damage

amplifydamageThis deceptively potent curse rapidly advances the age and putridity of any wound. Ordinary blows will cut through flesh and carve particularly vicious wounds that fester and seethe.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: Melee attacks against the target deal an extra weapon damage die (save ends).

3rd level spell: 2 extra weapon damage dice.
5th level spell: 3 extra weapon damage dice.
7th level spell: 4 extra weapon damage dice.
9th level spell: 5 extra weapon damage dice.

Miss: --

Bone Armor

bonearmorThis spell summons a barrier created from the bones of fallen warriors. The armor revolves around the Necromancer, protecting him against all attacks. Although enchanted, the armor does take damage and will eventually crumble.

Close-quarters spell; Quick action; once per battle

Effect: You create a protective shield that absorbs damage from physical attacks. It does not protect against elemental damage like fire or cold. It absorbs 5 + Intelligence damage before it fades.

3rd level spell: Absorb 10 + Intelligence damage
5th level spell: Absorb 20 + Intelligence damage
7th level spell: Absorb 30 + Intelligence damage
9th level spell: Absorb 50 + Intelligence damage 

Corpse Explosion

corpseexplosionEvery corpse created as a result of a violent death carries with it the anguish of its final moments. With this spell the Necromancer is able to call upon those energies and focus them into a single violent force. This force then expels itself from the carcass with such power that it causes a dramatic explosion.

Close-quarters spell; Daily; Interrupt

Trigger: An enemy nearby is reduced to zero hit points

Targets: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group, or 1d6 enemies when casting recklessly

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 1d20 fire damage per level of the killed creature

Miss: half damage

Reckless miss: Your allies engaged with the missed target take twice the killed enemy's level in fire damage. 

Dim Vision

dimvisionDamning an enemy to the darkness of their own evil, this curse surrounds the afflicted in a sphere of perfect darkness and silence, blinding them. This allows a Necromancer and his party to slip by unnoticed or maneuver close for a more effective attack.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: The target's perception is reduced. Stealth checks against it are easier by one step, and if it attempts an attack against a far away enemy, it must roll twice and take the lower result (save ends).

Miss: --

Poison Dagger

poisondaggerThe apothecary skills of the Necromancer lay fundamentally in the studies of venoms, toxins and other poisonous substances. Not only can a skilled Necromancer identify the various strains of poison that he might come across, but he also maintains a ready supply of samples. Rarely does he shy from their use. In a common application of this skill, the Necromancer paints his dagger with a thin coat of virulent poison. The greater his ability, the more potent the poison.

Special: The Necromancer must wield a dagger to use this attack

Melee attack; at-will

Attack: Dexterity or Intelligence + level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity or Intelligence damage, plus 5 ongoing poison damage

Miss: Your level in damage

3rd level spell: 10 ongoing poison
5th level spell: 15 ongoing poison
7th level spell: 25 ongoing poison
9th level spell: 40 ongoing poison 


teethOne of the first gifts of Rathma, this skill allows the Necromancer to summon forth the Den'Trang, or Teeth of the Dragon Trang'Oul. The Necromancers believe that Trang'Oul is the beast on whose back the world lies. In the balance of all things, it is thought that Trang'Oul is the fulcrum point. He is the closest thing the cult of Rathma has to a deity and this spell is the manner in which he protects his chosen.

Ranged spell, at-will

Target: Two nearby enemies

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 1d10 negative energy damage.

Miss: --

3rd level spell: 2d10 damage
5th level spell: 3 nearby enemies, 2d10 damage
7th level spell: 3 nearby enemies, 3d10 damage
9th level spell: 4 nearby enemies, 3d10 damage 


weakenThis bane allows the Necromancer to sap the strength from his enemy. Enemies are enfeebled to the point that their blows become highly ineffective.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: The target deals half damage with its attacks (save ends).

Miss: --

3rd Level Spells

Bone Wall

bonewallThis spell enables the Necromancer to call upon the remnants of the spirits of all the creatures who have ever died in the area. It accumulates their fossilized remains and summons forth from the ground a barrier of dense, fossilized bone. This spell is an effective method for keeping adversaries from reaching a Necromancer, while allowing him to attack from range or make his escape.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Effect: Creates a barrier of bone. When the spell is cast, determine which enemy and PC is on which side of the wall. For enemies without jump, flight, teleport or other special movement abilities, it is a hard save (16+) to cross the wall. It is possible to cut a hole in the wall by dealing a total of ten times your level damage to it. Attacks against the wall do not require an attack roll. 

Iron Maiden

ironmaidenThis spell curses a creature, condemning them to receive whatever pains they inflict upon others. The greater the skill of the Necromancer, the greater the magnitude of torment the victim receives for his wrongdoings.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: When the target makes a melee attack, it takes damage equal to the damage it dealt (save ends).

Miss: --

5th Level Spells

Bone Spear

bonespearAlso known as the Talon of Trang'Oul, this spell summons a long shaft of bone issuing forth from the caster and piercing any opponents in its path. Since the force of this projectile is mystical as well as physical it can pass through one opponent and carry on to the next, rending and tearing through whatever is in its path.

Ranged spell, at-will

Target: One nearby or far away enemy

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 2d12 + Intelligence negative energy damage.

Natural even hit: Attack another enemy behind the target. The Bone Spear flies in a straight line, it cannot hit the same target twice.

Miss: Your level in damage

7th level spell: 3d12 damage
9th level spell: 4d12 damage 


confuseNecromancers can tap into the spirit realm, channeling bitter and mischievous spirits into the minds of nearby enemies. The victims are bombarded with the gibbering of the dead, which, indistinguishable from their own thoughts, urge them to strike at friend and foe alike. The discordant wailing of these spirits builds to a crescendo, eventually driving the victim mad.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. MD

Hit: The target is confused (save ends).

Miss: --

Life Tap

lifetapThis skill allows the Necromancer to literally suck the life from his victims. The Necromancer is able to reach into the wellspring of mortality and siphon off its essence, consuming it to replace his own.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: When an attacker deals damage to the target, she heals half the damage dealt (save ends).

Miss: --

Poison Explosion

poisonexplosionThis spell permits the Necromancer to accelerate the decomposition of a corpse to an alarming degree. So rapidly does the corpse putrefy, that the toxic gases, normally accumulated in dead tissue over time, explode forth from the carcass in a cloud of poisonous vapors.

Ranged spell; Interrupt action; Daily

Trigger: An enemy nearby is reduced to zero hit points

Targets: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group, or 1d6 enemies when casting recklessly

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 7 ongoing poison damage per level of the killed creature

Miss: 10 poison damage.

Reckless miss: Your allies engaged with the missed target take 10 poison damage.

7th level Spells


attractThis hex causes hallucinations in enemies which force them to stop whatever activity they were engaged in and aid the Necromancer in his attacks. Battling their former allies with an unnatural ferocity, this is a vastly demoralizing turn of events for the enemy.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Targets: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. MD

Hit: The target attracts the attacks of its allies (save ends). At the start of their turn, nearby allies of the target must succeed at an easy save (6+) or focus their attacks on the target for this turn.

9th level spell: The save is a normal save.

Miss: -- 

Bone Prison

boneprisonSimilar to the Bone Wall, a Necromancer with this skill can summon a spirit wall of bone in the form of an enclosing ring. This prison traps all enemies within its circumference. Imprisoned within a cage of bone, the captives are held helpless until they can summon the strength to break through its skeletal confines or the Necromancer loses his hold over the spirits.

Ranged spell; Daily

Targets: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: The target is caught in a bone prison. It cannot engage enemies outside of the prison, but ranged and close quarters attacks are still possible. The prison is destroyed if 20 times your level in damage is dealt to it.

Miss: You still create the prison but fail to catch the enemy with it.


decrepifyThis curse gives the victim a glimpse of his own mortality, briefly aging the victim. Imagining itself with an infirm body of advanced age, the afflicted believes it is no longer capable of youthful exertions.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Targets: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: The target is weakened (-4 to attacks and defenses) and must roll twice on all saves and take the lower result (save ends). The save penalty includes disengage saves, but not saves against this spell.

Miss: -- 

9th level Spells

Bone Spirit

bonespiritThis powerful spell briefly summons the spirit of a vengeful revenant. This skeletal specter immediately seeks out its objective, ripping free a portion of the target's soul and carrying it away to the plane of the dead. This is not a true summoning spell, however, as the Necromancers have not yet determined how to control these wraiths. For now, it is enough that they are able to shield themselves and their companions from their wrath!

Ranged spell; Daily

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD; roll twice and use the desired result

Hit: 13d10 negative energy damage

Miss: half damage 

Lower Resist

lowerresistSimply put, this skill increases an enemy's susceptibility to the harsh effects of the elements and elemental magics. Skin burns like paper, chills cut to the bone, and lightning is drawn to the victim as if they were an iron bar in a rainstorm.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: The target loses all resistances and gains vulnerability to fire, cold and lightning (save ends).

Miss: --

Poison Nova

poisonnovaThis spell befouls the atmosphere surrounding the caster. With an arcane chant, the Necromancer corrupts the very air we breathe and causes it to erupt in all directions. It is from years of investigation and preparation that the Necromancer can choose a poisonous gas that is toxic to the minions of evil, yet harmless to himself and his companions.

Close-quarters spell; Daily

Target: All enemies you are engaged with plus 1d3 nearby enemies

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 2d4 x 10 ongoing poison damage.

Miss: 1d4 x 10 poison damage.


reviveThe ultimate goal of a Priest of Rathma is the perfect reanimation and control of a dead creature, maintaining the purity and properties of its body while releasing its soul to allow the Necromancer full control. When a Necromancer at long last gains this ability, he can truly claim mastery of the Great Cycle of Being.

Close-quarters spell; Interrupt action; Daily

Trigger: A nearby enemy is reduced below zero hit points

Effect: You revive the enemy as an undead to fight on your side. At the start of your next turn, the target rises as a summoned creature according to the summoning rules.

New Summons

The following new monsters can be summoned with the Summon Undead spell. The Skeleton Archer is an option for level 1 instead of a crumbling skeleton, the Skeletal Mage can be summoned at 3rd level, instead of a putrid zombie.

Bone Archer

raiseskeletonEarly on, Necromancers learn to control the skeletal remains of deceased creatures. Invoking this skill causes a nightmarish jumble of animated bones to rise from a fresh corpse. Animated partially through their own will and partially through the summoned spirits of ancient warriors, Necromancers often maintain a small host of these reanimated soldiers to do their bidding.

1st level mook [Undead]

Initiative: +6

Vulnerability: holy; Resist weapons 16+

(Ranged) Skeletal Bow +6 vs. AC—3 damage

AC 15, PD 14, MD 10, HP 5 (mook)

Mook: Kill one bone archer mook for every 5 damage you deal to the mob.

Skeletal Mage

skeletalmageDead warriors are not the only heroes that a Necromancer may summon to inhabit his creations. Many a Necromancer regales in raising the corpses of long dead wizards and bending them to his will. The priests of Rathma feel that this is the proof of the dominance of their particular branch of the mystic arts.

3rd level mook [Undead]

When you summon a skeletal mage, roll 1d4 to determine its element: (1) fire (2) cold (3) lightning (4) poison.

Initiative: +4

Vulnerability: holy; Resist [random element] 16+

(Ranged) Bone Magic +6 vs. PD—7 [random element] damage

AC 16, PD 12, MD 18, HP 12 (mook)

Mook: Kill one skeletal mage mook for every 12 damage you deal to the mob.


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  • Guest - Djw175

    It's probably best to just work on one class at a time. You're spreading yourself way too thin.

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  • I agree but it's a creative process. If you try to work on a class that you don't have any good ideas for, the result is forced and boring. It's usually better to put stuff aside for a week and write something else, then come back with a more open perspective.

    Maybe if I'd get paid to do this full time... Nah, my day job is more fun.

    Comment last edited on about 10 years ago by Martin K
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